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Struggling with sugar cravings that seem impossible to beat? You’re about to discover how to turn the tide and regain control of your health. This article is filled with insights and strategies that will help you overcome those cravings and achieve lasting wellness. This article will walk you through:

  • Identifying blood sugar imbalances
  • Dietary solutions for stabilizing blood sugar
  • Success stories of overcoming sugar cravings with guidance and support

Reclaim Your Health: How to Tame Your Sugar Cravings



Do you rely on coffee every morning to get through the day? If so, it’s a strong indication that you have blood sugar imbalances. My father used to drink coffee every morning for years.

Do you feel shaky, irritable, lightheaded, or experience heart palpitations when you miss a meal? This is often a sign of blood sugar imbalances, most likely hypoglycemia.

Do you find yourself eating when you’re nervous? Emotional imbalances are often closely tied to blood sugar issues.

Do you still feel hungry even after you’ve just eaten? This can be a sign of developing insulin resistance. When your body has too much sugar in the blood, cells begin to resist insulin’s effects. As a result, your body struggles to use the glucose for energy, making you feel tired. This creates a feedback loop where your body produces even more insulin, raising your blood sugar levels further. This can eventually lead to diabetes.

Do you often get hungry between meals? Feel irritable before eating? Experience afternoon headaches? Do you feel unwell after eating sweets, or notice symptoms like nausea, irritability, dizziness, fatigue, hyperactivity, mental fog, gas, anger, or constipation? Do you ever wake up a few hours after falling asleep and struggle to get back to sleep?

Do you experience bouts of depression, sadness, or melancholy?


If you answered yes to any of the above questions, it means you’re facing difficulties with maintaining balanced blood sugar levels. But don’t worry, The Skolnikoff Method practitioners are here to help. We’ll guide you on how to regulate your blood sugar, develop a diet free of processed sugars, and start feeling great! Once you implement our methods, you won’t even recognize yourself—you’ll become a NEW YOU. Visit or to get started today. Every therapy we offer is personalized just for you. We work with clients both locally and from out of town, and we even have a unique Concierge Care Program where the doctor can visit you. Availability for this program depends on your location. We also offer telemedicine services through phone, Zoom, or Skype.



Here are some immediate actions that could help you:

Your Blood Sugar—Winning the Ugly Battle Over Your Sweet and Carb Cravings


  1. Never skip breakfast. A high-protein breakfast is key to success. You’re a champion, even if you don’t realize it yet.
  2. Aim to eat at least five protein meals a day. Each serving of protein should be the size of your hand and fingers. If you weigh over 270 pounds, that’s about ten ounces per meal. If you weigh around 200 pounds, it’s about eight ounces, and for someone around 155 pounds, it’s six and a half to seven ounces. Stick to this for at least 50 days. Ensure the protein still weighs enough after cooking.
  3. Avoid fruit, including tomatoes, though avocados, lemons, and limes are okay (unless otherwise advised).
  4. Don’t drink juice unless it’s a warm soup, and always pair soups with plenty of animal protein.
  5. Ideally, eat protein every two hours while rebalancing your blood sugar as suggested. Do this for about 50 days. Stay away from refined and unrefined carbs/sugars that cause blood sugar spikes and promote cravings. These include tomatoes, peaches, pears, potatoes, squash, grapes, berries, and more. Regular protein intake helps relieve the adrenal glands from maintaining blood sugar levels between meals, reducing the need for high epinephrine and norepinephrine levels. Avoid bread, rice, pasta, beans, corn, baked goods, and similar carbs.
  6. The complex carbs you should focus on are those like asparagus, cucumbers, lettuce, onions, bok choy, spinach, broccoli, collard greens, and more. These are the natural carbs intended for your consumption. Be sure to cook, steam, or sauté broccoli until it’s soft.

Now, let’s watch a few videos of people who have reclaimed their health and tamed their sugar cravings. By following the key actions mentioned above and utilizing THE SKOLNIKOFF METHOD, one can surely say goodbye to his/her sugar cravings.


In a single treatment and 9 days, Daniel has experienced amazing results in dealing with his sugar addiction


We gave Daniel H. a nutritional supplement called Diaplex from Standard Process. His dosage was 4 with breakfast, 4 with lunch and 4 with dinner. Diaplex helps with blood sugar and contains the glucose tolerance factor commonly known as chromium. It also has glandular substances such as pancreatin (enzymes) and small intestine substance. It even contains hydrochloric acid.


Elle’s Secret to Battling Sugar Cravings and Regaining Health


We gave Elle Gamboa something called Neurotrophin PMG from Standard Process and another product called Gingko Synergy from Standard Process and another product from Standard Process called Cataplex GTF (Chromium Complex). We even had him using another Standard Process product called Manganese B12.

Additionally, we had Elle take Gingko Forte from MediHerb. Another thing that really helped Elle was having him take Licorice High Grade from MediHerb.

Neurotrophin PMG – Elle chewed 2 with breakfast, 2 with lunch and 2 with dinner.

Ginkgo Synergy – We had Elle taking 4 with breakfast, 4 with lunch and 4 with dinner.

Chromium Complex – We had Elle take 4 with breakfast, and 6 with lunch.

Manganese B12 – We had Elle take this to reduce his pain and help his energy go up. It also helped him a bit with his adrenal glands and digestion. He chewed 6 with breakfast and 6 with lunch.

Licorice High Grade – We had Elle take 5 mL with breakfast and hot boiling water as a tea and 5 mL at lunch in hot boiling water as a tea. This helped Elle to deal with stress. It helped with his gut mucosa and to prevent damage to his brainstem after many years of chronic stress.

Licorice High Grade can only be obtained through Patient Direct. Once you are in Patient Direct you will need to click on the green button that says REGISTER. When you are registering yourself you will need a code known as the Health Care Professional’s Patient Direct Code. You will need to contact our office to get that code number. Then you will click on the green button that says VERIFY AND AGREE.

There are 4 main ways you can get in touch with our office to get the Patient Direct Code:

Triad Of Health Family Healing Center and the office of Dr. Ilya Skolnikoff:
(866) 849-5752 Toll Free number
(415) 707-5865 Text / Phone
(415) 459-4313 Office Phone is our email


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  • Dr. Ilya Skolnikoff

    Dr. Ilya Skolnikoff is one of the foremost Functional Medicine experts. He is the Clinical Director of Triad Of Health Family Healing Center and the International Award Winning Speaker, creator and Amazon best- selling author of The Skolnikoff Method New Medicine for a New You: Inflammation Solutions Handbook.

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