So, you have been suffering from fungal infections for years, and nobody has helped you. If you follow these dietary changes exactly and they don’t help, then I know you didn’t follow them to the letter.
Fungal Infections
There are certain foods that feed fungus, while others create an unpleasant environment for fungal pathogens. Fungus thrives on sugar, so anything sweet will feed it. Since it is similar to mold and yeast, avoiding fermented or moldy foods, like algae and spirulina, helps the candida eventually go away. Of course, the best approach is to diagnose the root cause of the candida infection and address that. These infections may only arise in individuals with weak adrenal glands. It’s also common for fungal infections to occur after a round of antibiotics, birth control pills, or heavy metal exposure. Fungal infections are the body’s natural way of chelating toxic chemicals, such as heavy metals.
Avoid the following foods:
- All fermented foods
- Salami, sausages, bacon
- Olives, pickles
- All bell peppers, pimentos
- Mustard, deli meats (with yeast or preserved, cured, or fermented)
- Black tea (and other tea not prescribed by or approved by a licensed health care provider)
- Sauerkraut
- Blue-green algae, spirulina, chlorella
- Salsa, coleslaw
- Most mayonnaise (unless homemade and fresh)
- Vinegar, mushrooms
- Soy, soy sauce, tofu, tempeh
- Cheese, dairy (butter is okay), sour cream, cream
- Tomatoes, all fruit, all sugar, all sweets
- All juices, V8 juice, unsweetened cranberry juice
- Nutrition bars, grains
- Tomato sauce and tomato products
- Chutney, yeast, bread
- Corn, wheat
- Complex carbohydrates that are processed
- Potatoes, cauliflower, artichokes
- Oatmeal, granola, rice
- All alcohol
- Goat cheese, yogurt, kefir
- Tortillas, coconut milk, rice milk, almond milk
- Brown rice, wild rice, winter squash
- Tuna, swordfish, shark (due to mercury)
- Sugar snap peas, beets, leeks, lychee nuts, palm hearts
- Nuts and seeds, Manuka honey
- Spicy foods (especially from the pepper family like cayenne, wasabi, pickled ginger)
- Chips, excess caffeine, nut butters (peanut, cashew, almond)
- Popcorn, chocolate, beans, glycerin
- Nutritional supplements or herbs that contain alcohol (unless boiled)
- Brussel sprouts, eggplant, cabbage, bananas, other peas
Some items to particularly avoid:
- Aged cheeses
- Alcohol
- Chocolate
- Dried and fresh fruits
- Fermented foods
- Mushrooms
- Vinegar
- Glutenous foods (wheat, rye, barley) including pasta
- All sugars, honeys, and syrups (including any ‘-ose’, like lactose, sucrose)
- Foods that contain yeast or mold
- Sweetened yogurt
- Sweetened coffee, fruit teas, and soft drinks
- Condiments that contain sugar and vinegar (ketchup, pickles, steak sauce)
- Vegetables like beetroot, canned tomatoes, carrots, and potato skins
- Meats from animals fed antibiotics and hormones
- Processed frozen dinners and quick meals
- Live yogurt cultures (both dairy and non-dairy), whey, and acidophilus (non-sweetened yogurt)
- Canola oil and virgin coconut oil
- Some fruits (like blackberries, blueberries, melon, and other low-sugar, high-nutrient fruits)
- Maqui berry, quinoa, lemon, lime
Candida Diet Foods to Eat:
These foods help eliminate Candida Albicans from your body. Incorporating these immune-strengthening foods into your diet can help you become yeast infection-free for good.
- Meat: Lamb, duck, Cornish game hens, chicken, elk, goat, rabbit, escargot, deer, venison, bison, buffalo, ostrich
- Fish: (Avoid tuna, shark, and swordfish)
- Salads: Lettuce, arugula, bok choy, parsley, cilantro, endives, spinach, watercress, kale, Swiss chard, radicchio
- Herbs: Fresh sage, thyme, oregano, basil, dill
- Vegetables: Green zucchini, cucumbers, celery, radishes, scallions
- Fats and Oils: Extra virgin olive oil, butter, ghee, grape seed oil (with vitamin E for preservation)
- Other: Real unadulterated spring water, sprouts (alfalfa, broccoli, radish, bean), freshly pressed garlic (cooked), sea salt (from the Mediterranean, Europe, or the Himalayas)
- Supplements (if prescribed): DHA, omega-3 fats, biotin, zymex, Spanish black radish, Carlson’s cod liver oil, olive leaf extract, pumpkin seed oil, grapefruit seed extract
The only issue with this diet is that it will not work without the Triad of Health Vibrational Biodynamic Assessment and treatments. The initial assessment helps us determine the underlying causes of your infection. After all, you may have more than one infection at a time. Does this make sense? You might not only have a candida or fungal infection but also mold, yeast, bacterial, viral, or parasitic infections. The initial diagnosis is key to understanding what’s wrong and how we need to proceed with helping you improve your health.
The #1 cause of suffering in North American women:
Chronic inflammatory symptoms can dramatically change one’s quality of life, both physically and emotionally. Autoimmune and related illnesses, such as thyroid conditions, digestive disorders, female hormone imbalances, skin conditions, fatigue, and chronic pain, can have a significant impact on those affected.
These conditions are often mislabeled and poorly understood. To repeat, very rarely is the root cause investigated or addressed. This leads to repeated doctor’s visits and chronic suffering, with little to no answers.
Please share this post with someone you know who could benefit. Someone with autoimmune disease or recurrent candida or fungal infections would be ideal. If you see a comment section below, please comment. Thank you.
Dr. Ilya Skolnikoff is one of the foremost Functional Medicine experts. He is the Clinical Director of Triad Of Health Family Healing Center and the International Award Winning Speaker, creator and Amazon best- selling author of The Skolnikoff Method New Medicine for a New You: Inflammation Solutions Handbook.
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