Acquired Brain Injury

The Shocking Truth About Gluten That Has Been Kept a Secret From You

The shocking truth about gluten that has been kept a secret from you may also be keeping you sick. Or, rather, I should say, — the misinformation campaigns about gluten have misled you in such a way that may not necessarily be in your best interest. Much of the information here comes from Mary Frost’s …

The Shocking Truth About Gluten That Has Been Kept a Secret From You Read More »

cholesterol facts book

Functional Medicine and the Benefits of Red Wine Polyphenols and Protein

In these videos below from our recent trip to Argentina, you can learn more about the benefits of red meat and also red wine polyphenols. Both things are red. Vegetarianism has become quite popular and trendy in recent years, but the truth about vegetarianism is that it may not be nearly as safe as once …

Functional Medicine and the Benefits of Red Wine Polyphenols and Protein Read More »

Do You Know of the 5 Disturbing Truths about Wheat, Dairy, Corn, Soy and Sugar?

Wheat, Dairy, Corn, Soy, Processed Sugar – It Can Kill You.

We discover in this video that the 5 Fingers of death are wheat, dairy, corn, soy, and processed sugar. These are very common allergens so it is not a bad idea to find out whether or not you are allergic to these foods and if you are then you would want to avoid them.

Four Reasons Poor Vision Puts Your Mental Health At Risk

Proper vision care can change your life, and help keep your mental health intact as well. In fact, poor vision resulting from the wrong type of eyeglasses prescription may even lead to brain dysfunction.

The connection between your eyes and your brain is more profound than you may think. Focusing on your vision is vital. (No pun intended). And knowing whom to trust with your eyesight is just as important.

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