Belly Fat

5 Surprising Causes of Belly Fat and Natural Belly Fat Treatments You Need to Know

Understanding Belly Fat and How to Treat It Naturally Belly fat is more than just an aesthetic concern—it can be a sign of deeper health issues. From hormone imbalances to dietary missteps, the causes are varied. Fortunately, effective Belly Fat Treatments are within reach, and they don’t require invasive procedures or medications. In this post, …

5 Surprising Causes of Belly Fat and Natural Belly Fat Treatments You Need to Know Read More »

The Shocking Truth About Gluten That Has Been Kept a Secret From You

The shocking truth about gluten that has been kept a secret from you may also be keeping you sick. Or, rather, I should say, — the misinformation campaigns about gluten have misled you in such a way that may not necessarily be in your best interest. Much of the information here comes from Mary Frost’s …

The Shocking Truth About Gluten That Has Been Kept a Secret From You Read More »

marin county chiropractor and thyroid expert discusses thyroid symptoms

San Rafael Chiropractor and Thyroid Expert Discusses Thyroid Symptoms

Hot Flashes and night sweats are thyroid symptoms. The thyroid gland regulates body temperature. The adrenal glands use a hormone called aldosterone, a mineral corticoid, that regulates sodium and potassium levels in the blood stream. Sodium and potassium are also very important in order to regulate blood pressure. The renin / angiotensin system is dependent upon aldosterone. Angiotensin I is converted to Angiotensin II with the substance called renin in the distal renal tubules of the kidneys. This process can only take place when aldosterone are present in the right levels in the blood stream. This is the main system responsible for normal healthy blood pressure. Hot flashes and night sweats are a result of both thyroid and adrenal dysfunction.

could your eyeglasses and metal fillings be causing your brain fog

Could your Eyeglasses and Metal Fillings Be Causing Your Brain Fog?

Mineral deficiencies have become rampant in the modern world. Over the last 3000 years or so, many of the minerals have washed down into the sea. Lots of people are deficient in both iodine and zinc. Iodine is needed to make thyroid hormone and zinc is needed in order to taste properly, make stomach acid, smell, have a properly functioning hormonal system and hundreds of physiological functions.

7 Pitfalls You Must Avoid To Heal Your Thyroid

Triad Of Health Family Healing Center now holds regular thyroid workshops that are completely FREE. This means that people in the local and surrounding communities are able to come and learn about the options to the conventional model for thyroid disease. The conventional model offers patients only 3 ugly and frightening options:

San Rafael Chiropractor Dr. Ilya Skolnikoff Discusses Fat-Burning vs. Sugar-Burning

Two major factors push the body into an unhealthy sugar-burning mode of energy production: 1) stress and 2) eating foods that are burned as sugar. Many factors, some obvious and some hidden, create a stress response. Usually diet is the biggest factor. Sugar and starch push your energy metabolism in the direction of sugar-burning, as does protein that is in excess of your daily needs. Healthy omega-3 fatty acids push your energy metabolism in the direction of burning fat, and unhealthy oils block your ability to burn fat.

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