
Four Reasons Poor Vision Puts Your Mental Health At Risk

Proper vision care can change your life, and help keep your mental health intact as well. In fact, poor vision resulting from the wrong type of eyeglasses prescription may even lead to brain dysfunction.

The connection between your eyes and your brain is more profound than you may think. Focusing on your vision is vital. (No pun intended). And knowing whom to trust with your eyesight is just as important.

micro biome meal suggestions allergies immunoglobins

Micro biome / Meal Suggestions / Allergies / Immunoglobins

You Are What You Digest and Absorb and make and are able to make available for use at the cellular level. It is not always enough to have nutrients be delivered into the blood stream but this is a major first step.

Much of the information in this newsletter comes from the late Dr. David Walther, DC, DIBAK who had worked tirelessly for a large portion of his life to educate doctors about Professional Applied Kinesiology and its use in clinical practice.


Probiotics have been very popular among consumers for more than 30 years now. Probiotics are popular for many reasons. Research has shown all sorts of benefits to using probiotic strains as they help with immune function by allowing improved production of white blood cells. They help people who are constipated to have healthier bowel movements sometimes.

Discover The Frightening Truth about Cleansing

Like most of you who are reading this blog post, I was taught in my 20s from a variety of people whom I had met that it was a good idea to do cleanses regularly because that could improve your health and help your body to detoxify properly. There is some truth to this. However, this is only really a half truth. Just like the difference between a broken down and beat up Geo Metro and a high end BMW as used for transportation; there are also huge differences between different ways that a person can approach healing and detoxification.

Point Of Use Water Treatment

Water is sacred. Literally. Water has been used in nearly all traditions and religions since the beginning of time for cleansing and purifying. One of the things that made ancient Rome and Greece so powerful was that they had developed a way to access running water throughout their ancient cities. They had a constant supply of water from which they were able to draw upon. In Rome, the water is still available to drink by the public just as it was several hundred years ago. It is truly amazing.

Cholesterol Lies and Truths

Cholesterol is needed to make:
Vitamin D
Bile Acids
Cell membranes

Low cholesterol levels are related to a significantly increased risk of death from a variety of conditions and situations unrelated to heart disease, including, but not limited to, cancer, suicide, and accidents. You need cholesterol to make brain cells so with a cholesterol level that is too low we see brain hemmorhages, depression, suicide, etc.

The Vitamin D Truth

Vitamin D is not a vitamin, it is actually a hormone that is made in the epidermal layer (the skin) when the skin is exposed to sunlight. With this in mind, many people who live in the Pacific Northwest or areas with very little sunlight do need Vitamin D supplementation or they need to go to a tanning salon in order to maintain good health.

Iodine and Hashimotos Thyroiditis and Graves Disease

It seems that a larger percent of every successive generation suffers from the problem, yet it is given less and less attention.  many of the children of this latest generation are routinely having difficulty concentrating in school and maintaining a motivation for learning.  ADD, ADHD, Bipolar Syndrome, addicition, depression, PTSD and a large array of mood disorders are all related to thyroid disease.  Correcting blood sugar disorders and adrenal gland problems are excellent ways to clear up the majority of these diseases.

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