
San Rafael Chiropractor Dr. Ilya Skolnikoff Discusses Fat-Burning vs. Sugar-Burning

Two major factors push the body into an unhealthy sugar-burning mode of energy production: 1) stress and 2) eating foods that are burned as sugar. Many factors, some obvious and some hidden, create a stress response. Usually diet is the biggest factor. Sugar and starch push your energy metabolism in the direction of sugar-burning, as does protein that is in excess of your daily needs. Healthy omega-3 fatty acids push your energy metabolism in the direction of burning fat, and unhealthy oils block your ability to burn fat.

Belly Fat

When we are truly healthy, all our systems are in balance. There no longer needs to be any guess work needing to be done to get rid of the belly fat. There is a Medical Doctor named Dr. Abravanel who wrote a book called Dr. Abravanel’s Body Type Diet and Lifetime Nutrition Plan. In this book, Dr. Abravanel discusses 5 different body types that arise from excessive stress to the body. These 5 body types represent the result of excessive stress to the Adrenal Glands, Liver, Ovaries, Pituitary and Thyroid. Let’s look at these 5 body types below:

small intestine

Unraveling the Hidden Hero: Your Small Intestine’s Big Job

The small intestine is a pink tube-shaped organ lined with muscle. It is about 20 feet long on average (can vary from 15 to 30 feet) and about one inch in diameter. The top is connected to the stomach and the bottom is attached to the large intestine. To move food along, the intestines normally contract about a dozen times a minute. Digestion begins by chewing and breakdown in the stomach, but the majority of further digestion and nutrient absorption occurs in the small intestine where various additional enzymes that break down nutrients are introduced.

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