Dr. Ilya

marin county functional medicine doctor discusses detoxification signs and symptom

San Rafael Functional Medicine Doctor Discusses Detoxification Signs and Symptoms

symptoms of a major detoxification? Most of what we hear are rumors and philosophical opinions. As a San Rafael Functional Medicine Doctor, I would like to set the record straight on the subject of detoxification and healing. There is just too much confusion out there and we need to cut through all of the confusion and create some clarity. What is the science behind detoxification? How do you know whether or not the detoxification you are experiencing is healthy or unhealthy? Detoxification signs and symptoms may include skin rash, headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, headaches and a number of other unpleasantries.

Dr. Skolnikoff’s Healing Journey – San Rafael, California

One day when I was at the gym lifting weights I tore 90% of my pec major muscle on the right and had to get it surgically repaired.  A few years later I tore the other pectoralis major muscle on the opposite side of my body.  When I began to study Professional Applied Kinesiology I later learned that the pectoralis major muscles are related to the liver.  The Acutane had caused me to have an extremely toxic liver.  Because I was feeling so poorly, I went to the Medical Doctor to have a blood lab done and the blood lab revealed that my thyroid hormone levels for TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) were more than 4 times normal.  I was suffering from hypothyroidism.  


Where is the Fish?

Speaking Spanglish, I said to the lady behind the counter at Taqueria San Jose, “I want the steak fajitas, por favor. No crema, no queso, no frijoles, no arroz, no corn. Solamente carne asada, aguacate, salsa, lettuce y cebollas. Gracias.” I wanted beef fajitas with onions, lettuce, tomatoes, bell peppers, salsa, avocado and cilantro, with no sour cream, no cheese, no beans or rice or corn. That was it. She looked at me like I was crazy and said, “No beans? No rice? No sour cream? No cheese?

Patient Services – Diagnosis & Treatment – Functional Medicine – What to Expect

Most of us want quantity and quality in our life. We want to live as long as possible and we also want our quality of life to be maintained throughout the years. There are numerous options available when making decisions about how to get the most out of life. From surgeons and prescription drugs to spiritual healers and water fasts, the array of choices for the healthcare consumer can be overwhelming.

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