Health and Well being

It would seem that Dr. Oz is Telling Us Something Important Here

When I talk to people about the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, not everyone listens very carefully. However, when Dr. Oz drops wisdom about this matter, people really start to pay attention. This interview was done on Fox News. This clip is literally less than 30 seconds. I hope you find this thirty seconds to be a …

It would seem that Dr. Oz is Telling Us Something Important Here Read More »

Goals / Goal Setting AND Affirmations

Have you ever set goals before? Well, I have. They are a CRUCIAL part of health and healing. Most people who get started with a healing program fail to even visualize in their mind what will be involved with the process of healing and accomplishing their health goals. Whatever goal you may be setting, I have a GREAT recommendation of one or two things you can do to help you with the process. The methods I will now share with you are TRIED AND TRUE and have been used by some of the most successful people on the planet. And, what is even more important, is that they are very simple and easy to implement into your daily life.

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