Heavy Metal Toxicity

could your eyeglasses and metal fillings be causing your brain fog

Could your Eyeglasses and Metal Fillings Be Causing Your Brain Fog?

Mineral deficiencies have become rampant in the modern world. Over the last 3000 years or so, many of the minerals have washed down into the sea. Lots of people are deficient in both iodine and zinc. Iodine is needed to make thyroid hormone and zinc is needed in order to taste properly, make stomach acid, smell, have a properly functioning hormonal system and hundreds of physiological functions.

Discover The Frightening Truth about Cleansing

Like most of you who are reading this blog post, I was taught in my 20s from a variety of people whom I had met that it was a good idea to do cleanses regularly because that could improve your health and help your body to detoxify properly. There is some truth to this. However, this is only really a half truth. Just like the difference between a broken down and beat up Geo Metro and a high end BMW as used for transportation; there are also huge differences between different ways that a person can approach healing and detoxification.

Point Of Use Water Treatment

Water is sacred. Literally. Water has been used in nearly all traditions and religions since the beginning of time for cleansing and purifying. One of the things that made ancient Rome and Greece so powerful was that they had developed a way to access running water throughout their ancient cities. They had a constant supply of water from which they were able to draw upon. In Rome, the water is still available to drink by the public just as it was several hundred years ago. It is truly amazing.

Iodine and Hashimotos Thyroiditis and Graves Disease

It seems that a larger percent of every successive generation suffers from the problem, yet it is given less and less attention.  many of the children of this latest generation are routinely having difficulty concentrating in school and maintaining a motivation for learning.  ADD, ADHD, Bipolar Syndrome, addicition, depression, PTSD and a large array of mood disorders are all related to thyroid disease.  Correcting blood sugar disorders and adrenal gland problems are excellent ways to clear up the majority of these diseases.

Heavy Metal Toxicity

One of the biggest health problems that our modern society faces is heavy metal toxicity. Many people that I talk to have absolutely no idea what heavy metal toxicity is and how it affects us; but they should. There are 16 different heavy metals that are most commonly found in the environment. These heavy metals are called aluminum, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, copper, gold, iron, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel, silver, titanium, and zinc.


At Triad Of Health Family Healing Center we not only are able to diagnose the myriad causes of most cancers, under our care many patients find that they no longer have cancer and are often able to avoid dangerous procedures such as chemotherapy, radiation and surgery.

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