
Mouth and Stomach

Mouth and Stomach. As food is chewed, it is mixed with saliva which contains the carbohydrate-digesting enzyme ptyalin. The chewed mixture goes down the esophagus into the stomach. With the help of saliva, food is broken down into smaller particles, which increases the surface area for the digestive enzymes to act upon. A lot of a food’s energy and nutrients –as well as its flavors-cannot be released until its cells walls are broken down by chewing

The Vitamin D Truth

Vitamin D is not a vitamin, it is actually a hormone that is made in the epidermal layer (the skin) when the skin is exposed to sunlight. With this in mind, many people who live in the Pacific Northwest or areas with very little sunlight do need Vitamin D supplementation or they need to go to a tanning salon in order to maintain good health.

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