
The Shocking Truth About Gluten That Has Been Kept a Secret From You

The shocking truth about gluten that has been kept a secret from you may also be keeping you sick. Or, rather, I should say, — the misinformation campaigns about gluten have misled you in such a way that may not necessarily be in your best interest. Much of the information here comes from Mary Frost’s …

The Shocking Truth About Gluten That Has Been Kept a Secret From You Read More »

Business Advice from Functional Medicine / Hormone Expert

Business advice that is genuine and valuable can be challenging to find sometimes because there is so much of it out there. So, how do you know who to listen to? In this video, you can discover Dr. Ilya Skolnikoff’s entire story. Why did he end up going to chiropractic school? Why did he work …

Business Advice from Functional Medicine / Hormone Expert Read More »

San Rafael Chiropractor and Thyroid Expert Explains how to Treat Parasites

In order to effectively diagnose and treat a parasite there are a number of things needed. The first thing discussed in this video that is needed to diagnose and treat parasites is to get the static out of the nervous system. There are a number of ways that this can be done. For example, there may be an energetic / chemical imbalance that can be improved upon with homeopathy; or there may be bones that are out of alignment that are interfering with nerves and those nerves would need to be re-aligned; or there may be an emotional imbalance that needs to be addressed.

San Rafael Chiropractor and Thyroid Expert Explains how to Treat Parasites

In order to effectively diagnose and treat a parasite there are a number of things needed.  The first thing discussed in this video that is needed to diagnose and treat parasites is to get the static out of the nervous system.  There are a number of ways that this can be done.  For example, there may be an energetic / chemical imbalance that can be improved upon with homeopathy; or there may be bones that are out of alignment that are interfering with nerves and those nerves would need to be re-aligned; or there may be an emotional imbalance that needs to be addressed.

marin county chiropractor and thyroid expert discusses thyroid symptoms

San Rafael Chiropractor and Thyroid Expert Discusses Thyroid Symptoms

Hot Flashes and night sweats are thyroid symptoms. The thyroid gland regulates body temperature. The adrenal glands use a hormone called aldosterone, a mineral corticoid, that regulates sodium and potassium levels in the blood stream. Sodium and potassium are also very important in order to regulate blood pressure. The renin / angiotensin system is dependent upon aldosterone. Angiotensin I is converted to Angiotensin II with the substance called renin in the distal renal tubules of the kidneys. This process can only take place when aldosterone are present in the right levels in the blood stream. This is the main system responsible for normal healthy blood pressure. Hot flashes and night sweats are a result of both thyroid and adrenal dysfunction.

could your eyeglasses and metal fillings be causing your brain fog

Could your Eyeglasses and Metal Fillings Be Causing Your Brain Fog?

Mineral deficiencies have become rampant in the modern world. Over the last 3000 years or so, many of the minerals have washed down into the sea. Lots of people are deficient in both iodine and zinc. Iodine is needed to make thyroid hormone and zinc is needed in order to taste properly, make stomach acid, smell, have a properly functioning hormonal system and hundreds of physiological functions.

small intestine

Unraveling the Hidden Hero: Your Small Intestine’s Big Job

The small intestine is a pink tube-shaped organ lined with muscle. It is about 20 feet long on average (can vary from 15 to 30 feet) and about one inch in diameter. The top is connected to the stomach and the bottom is attached to the large intestine. To move food along, the intestines normally contract about a dozen times a minute. Digestion begins by chewing and breakdown in the stomach, but the majority of further digestion and nutrient absorption occurs in the small intestine where various additional enzymes that break down nutrients are introduced.


Good News

A federal judge has ruled that genetically-modified sugar beets created by notorious Frankenfood-producer Monsanto were planted illegally, without proper environmental review. U.S. District Judge Jeffrey White said the plantings must now be destroyed, in what could be the first forced destruction of a GMO crop in the United States — and could open the door for future rulings to keep Americans safe from potentially dangerous GMOs.
Reports Agence France-Presse:

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