Does Homeopathy Really Work? Has it Been Researched?


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Listed here are just a few of the thousands of available studies using homeopathic remedies, including both laboratory studies and clinical research, that have been acquired over the last 200-plus years. Research is ongoing, with more studies continuing to be published every year that substantiate the use of homeopathy as a viable treatment modality. Of course, the very first clinical study in homeopathy was performed by Samuel Hahnemann, MD (1755-1843), the founder of homeopathy. Countless clinical research and new discoveries have taken place and continue to take place since that time.

To the surprise of most, the first double blind cross-over study ever performed was done in 1906 by homeopathic practitioners. This impressive study was done concurrently in eleven different cities on 51 subjects. This particular experiment consisted of 665 pages, which were the research proofs of the homeopathic ingredient Belladonna. Another early double-blind study was sponsored by the British Government during World War II. This experiment demonstrated that those given homeopathic remedies experienced significant improvement in burns from mustard gas in comparison to those who were given a placebo. A 1982 review provided further substantiation of this significant research. 1,2

In the early 1900’s a book was also published called “The Logic of Figures or Comparative Results of Homeopathic and Other Treatments.” This book provides dozens of charts comparing disease and death rates in homeopathic and allopathic hospitals for the epidemic diseases of scarlet fever, yellow fever, and typhoid. Also noted in this book is the fact that homeopathic hospitals usually had 50-80% fewer deaths per 100 people, depending on the disease compared. 3

The number one criticism in the scientific community has traditionally been the “infinitesimal” nature or the dilution principle of homeopathy. Homeopathic practitioners do agree that once a remedy is diluted beyond 24X or 12C potencies, they are diluted beyond Avogadro’s Number (6.02 x 10), which theoretically indicates that no molecules are present from the original substance. However, both laboratory and clinical results have consistently demonstrated definite effectiveness with remedies beyond this dilution.

A study published in 1997, titled “Are the Clinical Effects of Homeopathy Placebo Effects? A meta-analysis of placebo-controlled trials” found that the combined odds ratio for the 89 studies entered into the main meta-analysis was 2 to 45 in favor of homeopathy. The results of the meta-analysis concur with the hypothesis that the clinical effects of homeopathy are not due to placebo. 4

In a time and age when medicines have a rapid turnover due to harmful side effects, homeopathy has stood the test of time. Pollutants and factors that influence the food we consume are also of major concern to the quality of our lives. The conditions of modern industrial antibiotic metaphylaxis that is routinely administered at live stock farms have led to several problems in animals and human health, as well as adding more insult to our environment. A 1999 study demonstrated that homeopathic metaphylaxis was significantly effective compared with placebo and routine low-dose antibiotic metaphylaxis for the incidence of disease and rate of disease of the respiratory tract among the animals studied. 5

Clinical evidence with help for rheumatoid arthritis was published in The British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, demonstrating results in a double-blind experiment on patients. An impressive 82% of those given a homeopathic medicine experienced some relief of symptoms, while only 21% of those given a page 1 placebo experienced any similar degree of improvement.

Another double-blind trial was conducted on patients with dental neuralgic pain following tooth extraction. People suffering from dental neuralgia were given Arnica and Hypericum or a placebo. Of those given the placebo, 40% experienced relief. Of those given the two homeopathic remedies, an impressive 76% experienced relief of pain. 6,7

The re-emergence of the use of homeopathy by US practitioners has been steadily gaining a new presence, with the rate of homeopathic product sales growing by approximately 12% per year, according to the American Homeopathic Pharmaceutical Association. 8

Homeopathic intervention in pregnancy, birth, and post-birth conditions has also been of interest to practitioners and patients. In a paper published in the Journal of Nurse-Midwifery, “Homeopathic Remedies in Prenatal Care,” specific recommendations for treatment of leg cramps and other pregnancy-induced discomforts (such as anemia, herpes, nausea and hyperemesis, ptyalism, and pica) are discussed. The use of remedies to turn breech and other malpositioned babies prior to term is presented, as well as discussions on the induction of labor and homeopathic interventions for premature babies. 9

Another paper, titled “Homeopathy: A Theoretical Framework and Clinical Application,” published in the same journal discusses the use of homeopathy for the treatment of mastitis, breast abscesses, and lactation difficulties. 10

A study by British veterinarian Christopher Day was conducted with several pilot studies demonstrating how homeopathic remedies had reduced labor problems in cattle, stillbirths in pigs, and mastitis in cattle. 11

A study on the antiviral effect of homeopathic remedies reported that eight out of the ten homeopathic remedies tested inhibited viruses in chicken embryos from 50 to 100%, depending on the potencies used. 12

A 1983 study using the homeopathic ingredients apis and histamine showed there was a significant effect on reducing the release of certain allergy-causing chemicals from basophils and other cells in the body in allergic patients. 13

A respected pharmacological journal also published a study that showed improved immune system function with the use of the homeopathic ingredient silica, which had a significant effect on stimulating macrophages in mice and destroying foreign particles, bacteria, and old cells. 14

In regard to studies on heavy metal toxicity, the respected journal, Human Toxicology, published a study showing homeopathic doses of arsenic eliminated crude doses of trapped arsenic that had been previously fed to rats. 15

The respected German Pharmacological Journal demonstrated a statistically significant improvement in reducing vertigo and nausea with a homeopathic combination formula. 16

Four German scientists at a Veterinary College showed that the homeopathic ingredient Chelldonium had lowered serum cholesterol when given twice a day to rabbits on a cholesterol-rich diet. 17

The Cancer Research Center in India found that of 77 mice receiving a transplant in fibrosarcoma, 52% survived more than one year by taking homeopathic preparations. The control group that was untreated died within 10–15 days. 18

Scientists at a British School of Pharmacy found that rodents given Hypericum were able to inhibit pain responses. Rodents were able to remain on a hot plate longer than the control group. When given Naloxone page 2 on (which inhibits pain-killing endorphins), the protective effects of Hypericum were reduced, showing that homeopathic Hypericum activates endorphins when needed. (Note: the rodents were free to walk off the hot plate at any point.) 19

Nuclear magnetic resonance testing showed that each and every one of the 23 different homeopathic remedies and potencies tested in the study had distinctive readings of submolecular activity, while the placebos did not, demonstrating that homeopathy’s function is not so much of a chemical nature but rather more of an energetic nature. 20



1. J. Paterson, “Report on Mustard Gas Experiments,” Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy, 37 (1944): 47-50, 88-92.

2. R.M.M. Owen and G. Ives, “The Mustard Gas Experiments of the British Homeopathic Society: 1941-1942,” Proceedings of the 35th International Homeopathic Congress, (1982): 258-259.

3. Howard P. Bellows, The Test Drug Proving of the O.O. and L. Society: A Reproving of Belladonna (Boston: The American Homeopathic Ophthalmological, Otological, and Laryngological Society, 1906).

4. Klaus Linde, Nicola Clausius, Gilbert Ramirez, Dieter Melchart, Florian Eitel, Larry b Hedges, Wayne B Jonas, “Are the Clinical Effects of Homoeopathy Placebo Effects? A Meta-analysis of Placebo-controlled Trials,” The Lancet, 350 (1997): 834-43.

5. Henning Albrecht, PhD, and Achim Schutte, DVM, “Homeopathy Versus Antibiotics in Metaphyslaxis of Infections Diseases: A Clinical Study in Pig Fattening and its Significance to Consumers,” Alternative Therapies, September 1999, VOL. 5, NO.5.

6. R.G. Gibson, S.L.M. Gibson, A.D. MacNeil, et al., “Homeopathic Therapy in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Evaluation Double-Blind Controlled Trial,” British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 9 (1980): 453-459.

7. Henry Albertini et al., “Homeopathic Treatment of Neuralgia Using Arnica and Hypericum: A Summary of 60 Observations,” Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy, 78 (September 1985): 126-128.

8. Oleman M Factsheet on Homeopathy. Alexandrea (VA): National Center for Homeopathy, 1997.

9. Patty Brennan, BA, “Homeopathic Remedies in Prenatal Care,” Journal of Nurse-Midwifery, 44, NO.3, (May June 1999), 291-299.

10. Miranda Castro, FSHom, RSHom (NA), CCH, “Homeopathy. A Theoretical Framework and Clinical Application,” Journal of NurseMidwifery, 44, NO.3, (May June 1999), 280-290.

11. Christopher Day, “Control of Stillbirths in Pigs Using Homeopathy,” Veterinary Record, 114 (March 3,1984): 216 reprinted in Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy, 779 (December 1986): 146-147. Christopher Day, “Clinical Trials in Bovine Mastitis: Use of Nosodes for Prevention,” British Homeopathic Journal, 75 (January 1986): 11-15.

12. L.M. Singh and G. Gupta, “Antiviral Efficacy of Homeopathic Drugs Against Animal Viruses,” British Homeopathic Journal, 74 (July 1985): 168-174.

13. Jean Bolron, Jacky Abecassis, and Philippe Belon, “The Effects of Hahnemannian Potencies of 7c Apis Mellifica upon Basophil Degranulation in Allergic Patients,” Aspects of Research in Homeopathy, (Lyon: Boiron, 1983): 61-66.

14. Elizabeth Davenas, Bernard Poitevin, and Jacques Benveniste, “Effect on Mouse Peritoneal Macrophages of Orally Administered Very High Dilutions of Silica,” European Journal of Pharmacology, 135 (April 1987): 313-319.

15. J.C. Cazin et al., “A Study of the Effect of Decimal and Centesimal Dilution of Arsenic on Retention and Mobilization of Arsenic in the Rat,” Human Toxicology, (July 1987).

16. C.F. Claussen, J. Bergmann, G. Bertora, and E. Claussen, “Homoopathische Kombination bei Vertigo and Nausea,” Arzneim, Forsch/Drig Res., 34 (1984): 1791-98.

17. V. Baumans, C.J. Bol, W.M.T. oude Luttikhuis, and A.C. Beynen, “Does Chelidonium 3X Lower Serum Cholesterol?” British Homeopathic Journal, 76 (January 1987): 14-15.

18. H. Choudhury, “Cure of Cancer in Experimental Mice with Certain Biochemical Salts,” British Homeopathic Journal, 69 (1980): 168-170.

19. G.R. Keysall, K.L. Williamson, and B.D. Tolman, “The Testing of Some Homeopathic Preparations in Rodents,” Proceedings of the 40th International Homeopathic Congress, (Lyon, France, 1985): 228-231.

20. Adam Sacks, “Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Homeopathic Remedies,” Journal of Holistic Medicine, 5 (FallWinter 1983): 172-175; R.B. Smith and G.W. Boericke, “Changes Caused By Succussion on N.M.R. Patterns and Bioassay of Bradykinin Triacetate (BKTA) Succussions and Dilution,” Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy, 61 (NovemberDecember 1968): 197-212. page 4 NETmind


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