How to Get Rid of Your Back Pain Without Surgery

Low back pain is the single leading cause of disability worldwide, according to the American Chiropractic Association and the New England Journal of Medicine’s 1994 study (1). This is a staggering statistic. There are many reasons for back pain becoming so prevalent. Applied kinesiologists like myself, functional medicine diagnostic specialists, have training that allows us to get to the underlying causes of people’s back pain. The applied kinesiologist uses the triangle of health. They are taught that there are 3 main causes of any health concern. There are structural causes, such as from cars or other accidents, sports, improper posture while moving, or static. There are chemical causes, such as from chemicals in the air, water, food, soil, personal care products, and other sources. And there are emotional causes of every health concern, such as stressful marriage, a death in the family, having a loved one pass away, or losing one’s job. Therapies to address back pain should be holistic, addressing the structural, chemical, and emotional causes of the pain (3).

According to the Center for Disease Control’s 2016 report, greater than half of United States adults (125 million) had musculoskeletal pain disorders in 2012. A little bit over 20% of U.S. adults had arthritic conditions (22.1%) or lower back pain (20.3%). A smaller percentage of people reported having non-arthritic joint pains, and fewer still had neck pain. More than 40% of adults with musculoskeletal pain disorder used a complementary health approach in 2012. 41.9% of the people that used complimentary and alternative medicine did so for sciatica (2).

Hypocrites, the father of modern medicine, said, “The highest good is to find the cause.” What he meant by this is that if you do not find out what is causing the symptom, then you will not be able to get rid of the symptom with any lasting result. Of course, back pain is a symptom. In these videos below, we can learn about some of the causes and solutions to back pain. Fortunately, we are able to hear directly from several of the people who have gone from back pain symptoms to feeling better in a very short period of time.

Here are a few different chemical solutions to help with a healthy back:

Healthy Low Back: About 90% of the time discomfort of the low back is related to a toxic colon, so a great bowel detoxifier such as magnesium, a probiotic, high-dose B6, or Burdock Root could be helpful. (Follow link)

Mid Back Health: an unhealthy low back is commonly related to liver toxicity; milk thistle would be likely to help as well as N-Acetyl Cystiene. (Follow link) 

Upper back discomfort and musculoskeletal dysfunction around the shoulders: this is likely to be related to toxic kidneys; taking kidney-related herbs such as Uva Ursi, Cranberry, or others may prove helpful. Drinking good-quality spring water in adequate amounts would also be a great idea. (Follow link.)

Most back problems are related to a zinc deficiency. For those people that have adequate zinc levels, back problems are far less common. It is interesting to note that the most common nutritional deficiency in America is a zinc deficiency. You can follow this link to discover an excellent and well-priced zinc supplement. 

Dr. Skolnikoff discusses 7 common causes of low back pain that you might not have ever considered.


Dr. Skolnikoff discusses back pain in the upper, middle, and lower back and some common structural causes of back pain, such as not properly bending one’s knees. Low-level light laser therapy is discussed.

Sean received holistic health care that was able to eliminate his back pain.

Ed is a 51-year-old who received help with his back pain by using holistic therapies.

Stephen was able to eliminate his nerve pain in one visit using holistic manual therapies.

Dr. Ilya Skolnikoff is a licensed and practicing chiropractor in the state of California. He is also a Diplomate of the International Board of Applied Kinesiology and the Clinical Director of Triad of Health Family Healing Center in San Rafael, California. He has written several papers on Temporal Mandibular Joint Dysfunction, the Acupuncture Meridian Systems, and a variety of other topics such as permanent weight loss, the benefits of high cholesterol levels, etc.

Becoming a Diplomate of the International Board of Applied Kinesiology (DIBAK) requires 3 years of study and 4 to 5 hours of exams. There are only 5 practicing DIBAKs in northern California. The DIBAK must be well versed in Cranial Sacral Therapy, the meridians of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dr. Frank Champman, MD’s Neuro Lymphatic Reflexes, Dr. Clarence Bennett, DC’s Neuro Vascular Reflexes, mental/emotional/spiritual therapies, applied clinical nutrition, all aspects of the nervous system, and a variety of other aspects of health and disease. Dr. Skolnikoff specializes in helping women with hormonal imbalances and people who suffer from thyroid disease.

In addition to applied kinesiology, his studies and clinical expertise involve the following disciplines:

  • Energy Medicine
  • Functional Endocrinology
  • Emotional Therapies
  • Acupuncture
  • Naturopathy
  • Osteopathy
  • Applied Clinical Nutrition
  • Herbs
  • Flower Essence Vitalistic Therapies
  • Classical Homeopathy
  • Total Body Modification
  • Neuro-Emotional Technique
  • Total Kinesiology
  • Behavioral Kinesiology
  • Gonstead Technique


1. Jensen M, Brant-Zawadzki M, Obuchowski N, et al. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Lumbar Spine in People Without Back Pain. N Engl J Med 1994; 331: 69-116.

2. Clarke T, Nahin R, Barnes P, et al. Use of complementary health approaches for musculoskeletal pain disorders among adults. National Health Statistics Reports 2016; Number 98: 1-9

3. Walther D, Applied Kinesiology Synopsis 1988-2000, Systems DC, 2nd edition: 6-12


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