Healing Crisis


Effective holistic health therapies are completely different from the Western medical model of health care. The Western medical model (allopathic medicine) does little more than treat symptoms, allow for emergency medical procedures, provide a variety of surgeries, and treat chronic diseases with procedures that do not honor the innate wisdom of the body. For example, for patients with cancer, there are “effective” and “curative” procedures that involve toxic substances called chemotherapeutic agents. The term “chemotherapeutic” is a misnomer. Chemotherapy is never truly “therapeutic.” It is one of the most toxic methods ever introduced to medicine. In fact, for many cancers, the average life expectancy after chemotherapy is only 5 to 7 years or less, though this varies greatly from one chemotherapeutic procedure to another.


Over the years, I have witnessed miracles happen with holistic therapies that do not involve surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or prescription drugs. Americans like convenience. We like microwave ovens and instant oatmeal, but these conveniences come at a price. We want surgeries to be quick and easy so we can return to work, make money, support our families, and feel useful. We want any “healing process” to deliver maximum healing in the shortest time possible and with minimal effort. We like convenience. We do not want any type of negative experience normally associated with medical procedures. For example, if a person has an aggressive tumor on their pancreas and surgery is successful, the patient would still expect to stay in the hospital overnight and require days or even weeks for healing and recuperation. Why would anyone expect less dramatic results and less recovery time from effective holistic therapies?

In my own clinical practice, I have seen patients with advanced heart disease achieve completely normal laboratory findings after just a few visits and a few months of care. I have seen people who were told they would be on thyroid medication for life, who had been on the medication for years, get off their medication completely after just 3 visits—others after 8 visits—and some people can’t get off their medication at all. The point is, the improvements that people achieve are incredible and completely different from what they were “told by their doctor.” I have seen rheumatoid arthritis go away quickly, and Type 2 diabetes disappear after 4 or 5 months of care. I have seen blood pressure drop by 41 points in 2 visits and stay down. I have seen cholesterol levels lowered by nearly 100 points in 6 weeks. Every one of these changes is considered completely “impossible” in health care. Those who say these things are impossible anger and annoy those of us who are achieving them. Health is all about possibility and potential. The body, mind, and spirit are not supposed to be limited by the opinions of a small group of people who publish things in textbooks. These opinions might be true for them but do not necessarily reflect the potential and infinite possibilities of the world we live in. Currently, I am the only practitioner in Northern California who has access to the therapies I use. I have gone out of my way to learn and apply these therapies.

So, what is healing about?

What is healing not about?

Healing is NOT about disease. Healing is NOT about fear that is unchecked. Healing is NOT about limitations and barriers.

Healing is about great possibilities. Healing is about endless potential. Healing is about doing good and having freedom. Healing is about revealing the truth.

Healing follows a consistent scientific path that leads to a specific result. There are many crossovers between allopathic medicine and natural, holistic health care. M.D.s who have never studied Professional Applied Kinesiology, Total Body Modification, or Neuro Emotional Technique will never understand what we do. It is completely foreign to them. They cannot make sense of it. Professional Applied Kinesiology comes from the medical profession. People who say, “I don’t believe in Applied Kinesiology,” don’t really know what they’re talking about because they are essentially saying they don’t believe in anything. I regularly use Netter’s Atlas of Anatomy, Guyton and Hall’s Textbook of Medical Physiology, pathology references, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, and many other medical methodologies to diagnose and treat my patients. Nearly everything I do to diagnose is medical in nature. However, I also use an entire series of effective diagnostic procedures that are unique to my profession, drawn from classical homeopathy, Applied Kinesiology, Total Body Modification, Neuro Emotional Technique, and a variety of other methods.

When I spend an hour or more with a patient, it completely changes their body. One of the techniques I use is called Total Body Modification for a reason: it literally modifies a person’s body WITHOUT the need for drugs, radiation, or surgery in most cases, though not in all cases. Just as people don’t feel very good after an effective but necessary surgery, they also may not feel very good after an effective but necessary holistic health care treatment. I have seen patients with a fungus that had taken over nearly their entire body feel very ill after a 30-minute treatment. However, I was able to save them from surgery to the iliac arteries and coronary arteries, which were calcified. So, which is better? Having surgery or not having surgery? I would choose having a bad flu for a few days or a week over surgery any day. Surgery leaves the tissues of the body scarred and weakened, and it never, ever addresses the underlying physiological cause of the need for surgery.


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