Organic Iodine And Fibrocystic Breast Lumps


Iodine, Breast Health, and Thyroid Function

Patients who have had problems with fibrocystic breast lumps have been shown to benefit from taking vitamin E and having regular exercise as well as eating a diet low in trans fats. They have had even greater benefit from increasing their iodine intake. So, if you have fibrocystic breast lumps, I hope that you are reading this.


One item most doctors totally overlook when it comes to getting rid of breast lumps or cysts is iodine. Breast tissue appears to be one area of the body that needs adequate supplies of iodine to remain healthy. The thyroid requires the largest quantity of iodine in the human body. It is not possible to make triiodothyronine (T3 – active Thyroid Hormone) without the use of iodine. The T3 molecule is composed of three iodine atoms that have bonded together. T4, Thyroxine, is composed of four iodine atoms that have bonded together.


Iodine helps to maintain breast health. Japanese women have one of the lowest rates of breast cancer of any culture, and fibrocystic breast disease (breast cysts and lumps) is almost non-existent in Japan. Some of the credit for the lower cancer rate can be attributed to the prevalence of a large amount of seafood consumption in Japan. Seafood has the highest levels of iodine. The thyroid is the highest regulator, storehouse, and user of iodine in the body, and the second highest is the ovaries. This is the reason why thyroid disease is so much more common in women than in men. Women need large amounts of iodine for both their ovaries and their thyroid gland, whereas men just need the iodine for their thyroid. However, men need more zinc because the prostate and testicles use a great deal of zinc – more than the amount of zinc needed by women.

It is common for people who have iodine deficiency to develop hypothyroidism. As a matter of fact, most thyroid experts consider hypothyroidism to be an epidemic. As much as 70% of the population suffers from hypothyroidism. This is greater than two-thirds of the overall population. Most of the best known and well-respected authors agree on this statistic: Dr. Marc Star M.D., Dr. Datis Kharrazian, Dr. Broda Barnes, Dr. Janet Lange, and others all are in agreement on this high percentage of people in the population who are affected by hypothyroidism.


Studies have shown a definite connection between hypothyroidism and an increased incidence of breast cancer. It is interesting to note that many women with breast cancer also have an enlarged thyroid gland. This can be explained by the fact that when iodine is deficient in the diet, the thyroid gland enlarges in an attempt to produce additional thyroxine from insufficient amounts of raw materials.

In most countries, the main source of iodine is iodized salt. A normal salt intake gives you roughly 150 micrograms of iodine each day. If you take a good multivitamin/multimineral, you may get another 100 micrograms. In cultures like Japan’s, where the main source of iodine is seafood or ocean plants like kelp or seaweed, the average daily intake of iodine is 100 times that level. When you compare these figures and the incidence of breast disease in these two cultures (USA vs. Japan), it certainly seems that American women aren’t getting enough iodine to support proper thyroid function and maintain breast health.


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