Ivette Cruz

I am forever indebted to Dr. Ilya Skolnikoff and Triad Of Health Family Healing Center for what he has done for my life and my health. I used to have terrible PMS symptoms since I first started cycling and I don’t have any of those pains any more. Because all my friends and family had the PMS symptoms i always thought that it was normal to have them. Dr Ilya taught me that PMS is not normal. I used to get really depressed and had to take Seroquil and even Zyprexa. I don’t use either of these medications anymore and my mood is great. I was also experiencing severe neuropathic pain in my hands and 4 of my fingers that would cause my fingers to get numb when I was driving. I bought these patches that I applied there but it did’t help much at all with the pain. I tried several pain medications but most of them did not help at all but Lyrica helped just a little bit. Dr. Ilya is a godsend. He is very compassionate and understanding. He listens better to me regarding my life and health concerns than any doctor or anyone else I have ever met in my life. Dr. Ilya is a very peaceful, enlightened and harmonious person. He took lots of time to really investigate what was happening with my health and come up with the complete Triad Of Health Solution. I love how calm and patient he is despite all my many, many questions. I used to need to take Clonazepam also to help with stress and with sleep and the neuropathic pain. I learned from Dr. Ilya that Clonazepam causes permanent brain damage. I don’t need any medications now for anything. I used to go to church and pray for a miracle like Dr. Ilya. I truly believe that God has brought Dr. Ilya into my life. Everything happens for a reason. Perhaps part of the reason that all of this has happened to me is so that you would be able to read this and get help with your health the way that I have gotten help with my health. In less than 3 shory months every aspect of my life has changed forever. I have changed how I eat and when and how I sleep. I have more energy to exercise with. If i had to pay 100 times more money than I had paid Dr. Ilya for what he has done for me it still would have been worth it for the many dramatic changes it has made in my life. Thank you, Dr. Ilya, for everything that you have done for me and giving me the life I had always wanted but never had. Thank you so much.

Ivette Cruz
(38 years old)
Honduras – Central America

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