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When I first met Dr. Ilya I thought that I was extremely healthy and had an excellent diet. After examining me he was able to diagnose that I had a fungal infection, that my liver was toxic from diet choices and medications I was taking, and that my adrenals were stressed. I was exhausted from stress and work, but had come to think of this as normal. At 53 I’d had a heart valve replacement, and the surgeons failed to tell me how lifestyle choices had created the conditions that lead up to this.

Dr. Ilya shared with me that some of the medications I was taking and foods that I enjoyed were creating the conditions for serious future health problems. Rather than treating the symptoms of these conditions, he determined a course of therapy that addressed the root cause of these problems, protecting me from future complications. After my very first treatment, I was able to eliminate the daily medications I had been taking for allergies for more than 20 years. Dr. Ilya put me on a diet to reduce cholesterol and also helped me to no longer need my statin medication that was having a toxic effect on my liver. Keep in mind that I was able to stop using both of these medications in only a couple of visits.

It has been only 6 months and about 11 visits with Dr. Ilya and I have now gotten off a water retention pill, HCG supplement that a doctor had been monitoring me on for weight loss, blood pressure medication, a statin medication, aspirin, a high dose potassium pill, the allergy medication that I mentioned above, and marijuana used to aid in sleep as encouraged by another health care provider. I am completely medication and drug free! I had been using my blood pressure medication for 6 years. I have lost more than 10 pounds. Currently, I am using 4 different nutrients that Dr. Ilya gave me and I feel great. I am sleeping better. My mood has improved. I no longer experience the bouts of depression that I used to, I feel more supported by friends and family, and I am much more in charge of my life. I have a more positive outlook on life than I ever have before.

In the very beginning stages of the process of detoxification that I have gone through, I still had some cravings for the toxic foods that I had been addicted to for so many years. These cravings quickly went away when I carefully followed through on the specific step by step lifestyle changes and referrals to other health care providers that Dr. Ilya prescribed to me. I have been to a colon hydrotherapist, tanning salon, massage therapist, American Indian healer and psychologist all at the advice of Dr. Ilya. Dr. Ilya really believes in working together with his patients and other health care providers as a team. I have learned from some of Dr. Ilya’s other patients that he often refers out to Optometrists and Medical Doctors and dentists as well. The last 6 months have been a huge eye opening learning experience for me that have taught me a tremendous amount about my purpose in life, health, love and finances. I now consider myself to be quite guided whereas less than a year ago I would often find myself feeling somewhat lost.

During the process of detoxification I experienced some intense emotions I had repressed for many years. I had never really realized that I was using foods and pot to self-medicate or “numb” myself so as not to experience these negative emotions.

At first I thought the whole process was crazy. I was in denial about how bad my health really was. Some aspects of treatment were a shock to my way of thinking because many of Dr. Ilya’s methodologies are counter-intuitive and fly in the face of mainstream medicine which manages the symptoms of a disease without addressing what caused the disease to get there in the first place. By becoming aware of how my “STANDARD AMERICAN DIET” (SAD) was eroding my health, I began to take the first steps towards recovery. Because everyone around me was consuming the SAD foods, it was challenging for me to avoid them. I feel better when I avoid these SAD foods, and I think if more people were aware of how their food choices affected their thinking, mood, energy level, sexual performance and other aspects of health, they would need fewer medicines and suffer fewer life-threatening conditions. After all, I am proof of this. My blood pressure is now normal without the medication and we will be doing a follow up lab to look at my cholesterol levels in the up and coming months.

I now have the peace of mind in knowing that I can manage my health issues naturally to prevent potentially devastating conditions from ruining the quality of my life.

Mark Gordon

Marketing Professional

Marin County, CA

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