breast cancer

marin county chiropractor reviews double preventive mastectomy compressed

San Rafael Chiropractor reviews Double Preventive Mastectomy

Are you planning on getting a preventive double mastectomy?

There are 3 goals for this post:

Not to offend the reader.
Reveal the flawed thinking with any type of preventative Mastectomy surgical procedure or any other similar surgical procedure and the missing science.
Identify the depth of the flawed thinking and the greater implications for our entire society of this flawed thinking.
It may not be possible to accomplish all 3 of these goals with this post but perhaps it will be possible to accomplish 2 out of the 3 of them.


At Triad Of Health Family Healing Center we not only are able to diagnose the myriad causes of most cancers, under our care many patients find that they no longer have cancer and are often able to avoid dangerous procedures such as chemotherapy, radiation and surgery.

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