
marin county sugar blues and depression relief

San Rafael Sugar Blues and Depression Relief

The big problem with America is TOO MUCH SUGAR. It is the SWEET DECEPTION of things that taste great. Later in the year (2015) I will be doing a lecture about the BITTER SWEET TRUTH OF SUGAR AND FRUIT and its sweet deception. On the T.V. and the radio and internet and magazines we are constantly being told that fruit is great for you and that you should have your 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day…… but is this really true? Or, is it just some marketing gimmick that sounds great and allows the American Heart Association to convince everyone that they will be fine and never get heart disease. Well, I can share with you this much: the approach ain’t working. Heart disease is the number one leading cause of death in the United States and has been the leading cause of death for a few years now. If you live in the United States, your chances of getting heart disease are 1 in 2. That is a 50% chance. SUGAR CAUSES HEART DISEASE IN ALL FORMS. This is a documented fact and not my opinion. Sugar causes homocysteine levels to rise. Homocysteine leads to heart disease. Sugar also causes AGEs (Advanced Glycation End products) to go up and this leads to inflammation (increased c-Reactive Protein) and this then leads to heart disease. This is what happens. These chemicals as well as nuts and seeds and excessive spicy foods irritate the small intestine and the small intestine villi and microvilli and then lead to inflammation that negatively affects the heart and other parts of the body. This is new news for Western Medicine but in Traditional Chinese Medicine it has been known about for 100,000 years!!

San Rafael Chiropractor Dr. Ilya Review about The Microbiome

Nothing could be more popular and exciting to healthy food and clinical nutrition advocates these days than the MICROBIOME. As a matter of fact, in San Rafael and other surrounding Marin County cities, the subject of the Microbiome is so popular that it is continually discussed on the radio (KPFA) and in social media and has become a very important part of the practice of Applied Clinical Nutrition in the entire Northern California region. What the microbiome is referring to is the populations of both friendly and unfriendly bacteria in your body – especially your digestive tract. Interestingly, there are more bacteria in your body than there are cells in the body.

marin county chiropractor reviews double preventive mastectomy compressed

San Rafael Chiropractor reviews Double Preventive Mastectomy

Are you planning on getting a preventive double mastectomy?

There are 3 goals for this post:

Not to offend the reader.
Reveal the flawed thinking with any type of preventative Mastectomy surgical procedure or any other similar surgical procedure and the missing science.
Identify the depth of the flawed thinking and the greater implications for our entire society of this flawed thinking.
It may not be possible to accomplish all 3 of these goals with this post but perhaps it will be possible to accomplish 2 out of the 3 of them.

San Rafael Chiropractor Dr. Ilya Skolnikoff Posts Interesting Facts About Sugar and Cancer from Scientific American

I thought you might like this article about Sugar and Cancer from the Scientific American. Please realize that this article is NOT saying that sugar will get rid of cancer NOR is it saying that sugar causes cancer. The subject matter here is of another nature. What the article is emphatically saying is that there are certain specific sugars that dramatically effect cancers and their expression and spread.

Belly Fat

When we are truly healthy, all our systems are in balance. There no longer needs to be any guess work needing to be done to get rid of the belly fat. There is a Medical Doctor named Dr. Abravanel who wrote a book called Dr. Abravanel’s Body Type Diet and Lifetime Nutrition Plan. In this book, Dr. Abravanel discusses 5 different body types that arise from excessive stress to the body. These 5 body types represent the result of excessive stress to the Adrenal Glands, Liver, Ovaries, Pituitary and Thyroid. Let’s look at these 5 body types below:


7. What are the benefits of Dr. Ilya’s holistic therapies?


The benefits of Dr. Ilya’s holistic therapies are infinite. Please visit the testimonials page and learn about all of the different benefits that patients have received from Dr. Ilya’s therapies.

Homeopathy, herbs, nutrition, acupuncture, chiropractic, psychotherapy and other emotional therapies, ancient healing modalities, naturopathy, and color and sound therapy have been used for countless ages. There are thousands and thousands of studies and case studies of people who have had life-changing benefits from these types of therapies. Dr. Ilya’s favorite healers of all time are John of God, Royal Rife, and Hocksey of Texas. These are some of the great visionaries of our modern time who PROVED that cancer should not worry people or be a concern. They revolutionized health care and laid a foundation for future great thinkers.

Dr. Ilya’s therapies are designed to raise people’s consciousness. As a result of these therapies, people live longer, get sick less often, have more energy, better relationships, improved energy and stamina, and better sex lives. People who are overweight lose weight. People who are underweight gain weight. People’s health improves when they receive Dr. Ilya’s therapies. People get more out of life when they are healthier, happier, and have more energy. Dr. Ilya has often been heard to say that he helps most people with most health challenges most of the time and mostly quickly.

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