Muscle Testing Doctor

What does it mean to be a muscle testing doctor?  Muscle testing was initially developed by two medical doctors named Kendall and Kendall in the 1950s. Dr. George Goodheart, a chiropractor and the founder of Professional Applied Kinesiology, got the book that was written by the two medical doctors and started to apply muscle testing to his patients in the early 1960s. There were a great deal of developments in health care at that time. Viola Fryman was able to discover cranial bone motion and what is called the primary cranial sacral respiratory mechanism. What this means is that while a person breathes, the bones of the skull move in a certain predictable way along with the bones of the rest of the body.

The health care providers that do the most muscle testing of any other health care providers in the world are the Professional Applied Kinesiologists. Orthopedic surgeons will muscle test nearly every patient in order to determine muscle function and whether or not their muscles are intact when evaluating whether or not to do surgery. I experienced this firsthand when I tore 90% of my left pectoralis major sternal muscle just prior to beginning my chiropractic studies. One of the first things that the surgeon did before surgically reattaching my muscle to the bone was to test the muscle to determine its strength. Thank goodness the surgeon was able to do a great job reattaching the muscle to the bone. And I am also grateful for the physical therapy that worked out well and helped me to heal afterwards. The other thing that proved helpful was my health insurance that I had at the time (and still do).

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You have probably figured out by now that “Muscle Testing Doctor” is synonymous with “Professional Applied Kinesiologist.” There is already a great deal of information about Professional Applied Kinesiology on this website, but we can review some of the basics. Applied kinesiologists are experts at diagnosing what the underlying causes of people’s health concerns are.  The highest level of training one can achieve as an applied kinesiologist is to study more than 300 postgraduate hours of applied kinesiology (AK) and then to sit for a pass on both the practical and written portions of the diploma examination. This is likely the most rigorous diploma examination of any diploma examination offered in the chiropractic profession. The Applied Kinesiologist who passes the Diplomate Examination becomes what is known as the Diplomate of the International Board of Applied Kinesiology. The individual who passes this test is required to be proficient in Traditional Chinese Medicine (acupuncture), applied clinical nutrition, cranial sacral therapy, the neurovascular reflex points discovered by Clarence Bennett, D.C., the neurolymphatic reflex points discovered by Frank Chapman, the osteopath, pathology, anatomy and physiology, and muscle testing, as well as organ, gland, nutrition, acupuncture meridian, and other relationships. The AK Doctor (Muscle Testing Doctor) is well versed in a variety of emotional therapies and postural analysis, Traditional Chinese Medicine pulse point analysis, and a variety of other methods needed to diagnose and treat. One of the most important things that the applied kinesiologist is trained in is how to do specific and accurate muscle testing of all of the major muscles in the body. Muscles are related to organs and glands. Muscles are related to Chinese Acupuncture Meridians. Muscles are related to different emotions. Muscles are related to nutrients that allow those muscles to function properly. Muscles are related to teeth in the jaw. Muscles are related to points on the hand. Muscles are related to a variety of different points on the skull called stress receptors and other points throughout the body. Imbalances of muscles can be found by checking for trigger points in the temporal-sphenoidal line, which is a cranial suture between the temporal and sphenoidal bones.

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Applied kinesiologists will routinely use a variety of different types of labs in order to discover what is happening with their patients. We use functional blood pressure testing, zinc taste testing, iodine skin testing, saliva hormone testing, pupillary light reflex testing, the urinary Sulkowitch test, and Koenigsberg tests are commonly used. There are a countless number of tests done by AK doctors.  The number of tests is far too extensive to review in this article.

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