Patient Success Stories

Ivette Cruz

I am forever indebted to Dr. Ilya Skolnikoff and Triad Of Health Family Healing Center for what he has done for my life and my health. I used to have terrible PMS symptoms since I first started cycling and I don’t have any of those pains any more. Because all my friends and family had the PMS symptoms i always thought that it was normal to have them. Dr Ilya taught me that PMS is not normal. I used to get really depressed and had to take Seroquil and even Zyprexa. I don’t use either of these medications anymore and my mood is great. I was also experiencing severe neuropathic pain in my hands and 4 of my fingers that would cause my fingers to get numb when I was driving. I bought these patches that I applied there but it did’t help much at all with the pain. I tried several pain medications but most of them did not help at all but Lyrica helped just a little bit. Dr. Ilya is a godsend. He is very compassionate and understanding. He listens better to me regarding my life and health concerns than any doctor or anyone else I have ever met in my life. Dr. Ilya is a very peaceful, enlightened and harmonious person. He took lots of time to really investigate what was happening with my health and come up with the complete Triad Of Health Solution. I love how calm and patient he is despite all my many, many questions. I used to need to take Clonazepam also to help with stress and with sleep and the neuropathic pain. I learned from Dr. Ilya that Clonazepam causes permanent brain damage. I don’t need any medications now for anything. I used to go to church and pray for a miracle like Dr. Ilya. I truly believe that God has brought Dr. Ilya into my life. Everything happens for a reason. Perhaps part of the reason that all of this has happened to me is so that you would be able to read this and get help with your health the way that I have gotten help with my health. In less than 3 shory months every aspect of my life has changed forever. I have changed how I eat and when and how I sleep. I have more energy to exercise with. If i had to pay 100 times more money than I had paid Dr. Ilya for what he has done for me it still would have been worth it for the many dramatic changes it has made in my life. Thank you, Dr. Ilya, for everything that you have done for me and giving me the life I had always wanted but never had. Thank you so much.

Ivette Cruz
(38 years old)
Honduras – Central America

Pam Dodson

Enjoying improved health as I work with Dr Ilya. The swelling in my left ankle is gone. I have lost 11 pounds while eating healthy. Symptoms I consider normal for me – stuffy nose, congestion, brain fog and lack of balance are improving or gone. Looking forward to continued weight loss and improved health as I continue my treatments!

Working with Dr. Ilya has been an education on how what I do and what I eat effects my body. I am feeling good and finding my way to excellent health. Thank you for the work that you do!”

Betzabee Nicolas

My healing processes with Dr. Ilyia has been both one of the most challenging things I have had to do and yet one of most rewarding experiences. For years I had suffered facial pain due to Bell’s Palsy and from horrible migraines that would last all day long. The headaches were so intense that they would wake me up in the middle of the night. I had to drink 2-4 Advil a day just be able to tolerate them. I was hospitalized from an ulcer caused by drinking so much Advil.  I have been over weight since I was 10 years old and had been drinking High Blood pressure medication since I was 25 yrs old. For years I had been so weak that just walking felt unbearable. No mater how much I slept or how much I rested I always felt tired and weak.  It was hard to concentrate, to think, I always felt dizzy and was always in pain. Work seemed unbearable and I even crashed twice because I felt so sick.  I had to reduce my work days to only two days a week.  I was afraid to work and even became afraid to drive. I lost count of how many times I went to the urgent care and saw different doctors but no one would ever give me an answer or a solution. All that doctors would do to help me was to prescribe more and more medication. Since I was a teenager I suffered from anxiety and from self harm. Since then it has been very hard to live a normal life. To make things worse I was recently diagnosed with Gall bladder stones and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditi.

I had a consultation with Dr. Ilya. To be honest that day I had reached my breaking point. I felt so sick that I felt that I would faint right there and then. I was in so much pain I couldn’t think any more. I literally went in to the consultation crying. I had lost all hope in doctors. The consultation with Dr. Ilya was amazing.  He made a detailed time line from the time I started getting sick. He listened to me and listed every symptom I was experiencing. Other doctors would look at me like I was crazy. But Dr. Ilya was so different, nothing sounded weird or crazy to him. He understood my symptoms and everything I said was important to him. He did detailed tests and detailed observations. What I liked the most about the consultation is that he asked me what I wanted out of the treatment. No one had ever asked me that before.

The truth is Dr. Ilya is a very interesting character and his treatment is very different to what many of us are used to. At first I was hesitant to get the treatment and didn’t trust it much. However, the first two weeks into the process my headaches went away and I felt many of my symptoms disappear.  Although I am not completely done with my treatment, I have to say that it has transformed my life. I don’t have headaches any more, I have lost so much weight that everyone around me sees me differently. My depression has turn into happiness. My anxiety has gone down and I feel more optimistic. Dr. Ilya doesn’t only help your body but just helps your whole system! He helps you with your emotions, with your thoughts, with your muscles, your bones and just helps your whole soul. I am so thankful that I found Dr. Ilya, my only regret is not seeing him sooner. All though I don’t understand a lot of the things Dr. Ilya does, I have to say that this treatment is so amazing and so fascinating that its scary. It truly does miracles. Dr. Ilya has helped me go from a state of a victim to a state of a creator. He has given me a chance at life and a hope for an amazing future. He is truly amazing, he is caring and he is a beautiful soul. I will forever be eternally grateful. Don’t hesitate to reach out to him. He will help you, this treatment will change your life.

Graciela C

Dr. Ilya has been of great help for me and my family’s health.

I am Graciela C. from Honduras. I am 30 years old. I have only received only three treatment visits at Triad Of Health. I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. Because of this I have been very low on energy and have had a lot of difficulty concentrating, sugar cravings, moodiness and always feel like crying. Less than one month after these 3 treatments I feel great! I am no longer low on energy; I am able to concentrate intensely for hours at my work. My sugar cravings are gone. I am no longer moody, nor do I feel like crying. All of my symptoms are gone, and I have lost approximately 12 pounds. I am only 4 foot 11 inches so that is a lot of weight for me. I really recommend you go to visit Dr. Ilya. Dr. Ilya, I am very grateful for your help. Thank you so much Dr. Ilya for your help.

Benny Jacobs-Schwartz

Prior to meeting Dr. Ilya I was going through quite a challenging and ungrounded period of my life. I was not feeling stable and was unsure why this was the case. I generally felt anxious and didn’t wake up feeling great like I knew I should. My first visit to Dr. Ilya was exciting and I was relieved to discover his knowledge, commitment and expertise toward health challenges traditional western practitioners could not address. After about 3 months of following the lifestyle changes I really felt my entire being shift. I felt patient, grounded, energized and stable. At about 5 months I feel well on my way towards the stoked life I like to lead. My body feels less achy having switched towards a carnivorous diet. I am supremely grateful for Dr. Ilya’s guidance and commitment.

I wake up feeling great and feel great almost all of the time!

Benny Jacobs-Schwartz

24 years old

Santa Cruz, CA

Laura Ralph

I have had minor health issues for years- always feeling tired, bad fingernails, trouble sleeping and weight gain. After years of trying thyroid medication, iron and going gluten free I continued to have the same issues. After seeing Dr. Ilya I am feeling better and feel like we are getting to the root of my health problems and not just treating symptoms. This has been a long time coming and I am so happy I finally found someone who can help me. I have lost 31 pounds in the few months that I have been working with Dr. Ilya. I am very pleased with his care and have recommended him to a number of my friends.

Thank you Dr. Ilya

Sujata D. Monti

For many years, I had a significant and constant pain in my lower right rib cage area in my organs. Over the years I had several expensive and useless western medicine consultations and tests to no avail. I told Dr. Ilya about it and after one treatment it was gone for good! Gone also is the constant fear that I was going to die of some undiagnosed illness due to the incompetence of western medicine. Thank you Dr. Ilya.

Sujata D. Monti – Santa Rosa, CA

Cuddle Party Facilitator


Dr. Ilya has helped me understand my own health in many ways. His treatments and lifestyle recommendations have helped me correct a variety of problems that were affecting many aspects of my life. The treatments have helped me to feel better, increase my strength and think more clearly about my body and my health. I’m very grateful and look forward to continuing my path to better health with Dr. Ilya’s help.

Christine Angelos

Dr. llya Skolnikoff has been treating me over the past several months. His unique approach and treatments made all the difference. He seeks to find the root cause of any symptom and treat the cause relieving the symptoms. This greatly improves your overall health and wellness as well! I would recommend his service and expertise to anyone who is seeking an alternative way to heal your body that works!

Janet M

The first time I saw Dr. Ilya he used kinesiology techniques to test my muscles. The tests revealed I had a toxic liver and an inability to absorb nutrients, especially amino acids. (I was impressed with his diagnosis because it agreed with lab tests I previously had done through my GP.)

Dr. Ilya immediately put me on a diet of protein, vegetables, probiotics and a couple other supplements. Shortly after starting the diet and supplements my joints stopped aching and I had fewer headaches and hot flashes.

I continue to have fewer joint problems, hot flashes and headaches.

Elle Gamboa

Dr. Ilya is an amazing doctor. I had been having problems with a stabbing pain in my left foot. I went to see my regular massage therapist to help relieve the pain. Two weeks later the pain came back & I went to see an Asian herbologist who diagnosed me with a sick liver & gave me these dark brown pills to take for a month. Two weeks came and I still felt sick and the stabbing pain got worst.

I finally decided to visit Dr.Ilya Skolnikoff in Marin County. He was highly recommended by a friend and it was a very good decision. Dr. Ilya also diagnosed me with a malfunctioning thyroid and inflamed kidneys. I was prescribed a strict diet of protein and veggies only & to completely avoid any forms of sugar, starches, dairy, soy, wheat etc. He also prescribed me a lot of different nutrients as I had a really poor diet. Two treatments later the foot pain was gone, my allergies even vanished, and I slept better. Dr.Ilya went straight to the cause of my illness instead of just fixing the symptoms like traditional Western doctors. Dr. Ilya is a chiropractic kinesiologist and he used his triad of health approach to fix my health issues using structural, chemical, and emotional therapies. I am glad I finally got treated by this amazing doctor and I am on the road to a healthy recovery. Go see this guy.

Tara Linda Swaab

I am a returning patient with a chronic debilitating disease who saw Dr. Ilya Skolnikoff a couple of years ago. He was my miracle worker – he gave me my life back (with me doing my part of the work too) and I returned to him again a couple of weeks ago after having failed somewhat to keep up with the recommendations he gave me and as a consequence, having exacerbated my condition again. I can say without a doubt that he has again proven to be not only a wonderful chiropractor (my back was killing me and in one session he set the healing in motion) but he is also a well-rounded holistic health practitioner incorporating Body, Mind and Emotions as well as Spirit. His amazing knowledge blows my mind and I like to say that for me he is like a genius Merlin/ Wizard type of Mad Professor. He helps me feel better and that is what matters the most to me. Thank you Dr. Ilya!

Carol Seaman

Dr. Skolnikoff does have the ability to find and fix your health problems. I saw him for 4 months. I felt better and looked better than I have in years. Believe me I have seen many doctors to try to get a handle on these issues than I can even keep track of. I am over weight, Losing all my hair , suffering so much pain in my body from fibromyalgia. For a good 3 months I was pain free, my hair had stopped falling out, my itching stopped, new hair had started growing back. My energy level was awesome. However when I was taken off the supplements every thing went back to where it was in the beginning. I seemed to lose the battle of the the food. I seem to have lost the strength to stay away from the bad foods. I did run out of the funds to go back to him,but when I replenish them, I will try to start over again. He really has something that traditional doctors do

Shakti Padmini

I’ve been always skeptical about ‘regular’ doctors (past negative experience), so finding ‘alternative’ Dr Ilya Skolnikoff was very refreshing! I came with a (debilitating) health complaint that I’d been trying to resolve this way and that for many years and almost given up on it (while living a VERY healthy lifestyle) knowing the disease had underlying emotional cause that needed to be seen from another’s perspective…I was surprised and excited noticing shifts in the way I felt right during the first visit! A more changes (some profound, some gradual) followed in the days and weeks after…the diet that initially sounded ‘weird’ has proven to be craved by my body, making me feel light and energetic, with clarity and calmess in my mind…most of my symptoms disappeared (including terrible PMS). I’ve been noticing positive changes in other areas of my life, such as relationships, finances, expansion of my spiritual self that reflects in expansion and evolution of my work – a passionate service to humanity.
I absolutely loved that his practice also included so much needed emotional processing along with muscle testing (working with the response of your own body, not a prescribed theory) and chiropractic adjustments – I’ve been feeling held from all sides…

My experience must be beyond subjective because friends and people who know me commenting on how good I look and feel, asking me what secrets I’ve been using…

Dr Ilya is a practitioner of a much needed new generation medicine, that is there to allow the individual (not just a body!) to heal naturally, restoring the kind of balance from which a new evolution can take place! All thumbs up!

Ioana Grigore

“I drove almost 2 hours one way to see Dr. Ilya Skolnikoff and it was well worth it. His extensive knowledge about human body and his holistic approach can provide amazing healing for any type of person. All the emotional work we did helped me release many emotional blockage in areas like money, relationships, especially with my parents. The chiropractic adjustment was phenomenal. I expressed my concern based on a previous experience with another chiropractor. Dr Ilya was very caring, making sure that I will feel comfortable with the adjustment and it will be a good experience for me. It was fantastic. He is very dedicated, talented and very knowledgeable. I really appreciate meeting him and having him help me with my overall health.”

Anne-Frans V

After years of struggling with a very sensitive digestive system, bloating issues, fungal infection, toxicity issues, fluctuating weight gain and medical procedures that led nowhere, I connected with Dr. Ilya at a Vitamin Shoppe. I am thrilled to have accomplished huge changes with my body within just a few treatments. I am regaining mental clarity; I lost 5 pounds within the first week (toxics that were stored in my fat cells), and am really starting to understand and feel a connection within and about my body that I was not in tune with for many years even though I thought I was!

I have always considered myself to have be happy, super active and have a lot of energy but I admit that this had not been the case for quite some time when I recently met Dr. Ilya. Instead, I had been starting to feel really sluggish, fatigued, moody, bloated, mentally fogged, and to experience stubborn weight gain (even though I was not overeating and was exercising every day for a major part of the day due to my career as well as living an active lifestyle). Basically, I had been feeling totally uncomfortable within my own skin and was becoming unhappy.

These symptoms started to just get worse and worse and build upon one another. I even had blood tests performed and to top it all off, a colonoscopy and endoscopy last year (I’m only 40). Even though the test results showed a lot of things that were not right (including a fungal infection within my stomach, hiatal hernia and some others), Western Medicine was not able to help me or guide me in the right direction and I was told that I was fine and had to do more yoga.

A year later, Dr. Ilya walked me through the findings of these medical reports, and I was finally heard and understood! There were some things on there that were not normal and needed attention!

He has indeed put me on the path to healing and I am just so thankful for him. He has an extensive amount of knowledge and has been able to communicate with me, how we need to heal my body and the paths to take. I’ve been strict with myself and my nutritional intake and it is completely paying off. I can see and feel the changes and FAST! My body was craving for healing. I am finally able to hear her and feed her the right way to clear the toxins and to heal my insides.

He works from a holistic forum, meaning “whole” approach. He is there as my teammate promoting winning the healthy race – guiding to help me reach my healthiest self ever! I must say, who would not want a teammate like that!

Anne-Frans V.

Corte Madera, CA

Shara Ogin

When I first came to see Dr. Ilya I was struggling with lack of focus, right shoulder pain (from overuse) and digestive problems such as reflux, constipation, and stomach bloating.

I have had only 3 treatments from Ilya over a 3 month period and my body feels better than it ever has. I am more energetic, clear, focused, ambitious and happy than I ever have been. I am more successful on my career path than I have ever been, and I am manifesting wonderful people around me. My shoulder pain has resolved and my other digestive problems have almost resolved.

My life is filled with gratitude and abundance!

Robert A

Dr. Ilya Skolnikoff, DC, is not your typical chiropractor. Trained in traditional chiropractic, yet also in Applied Kinesiology and Neural Emotional Technique, he covers areas of healing that go beyond the musculo-skeletal complaints most people go to chiropractors for. He was recommended through a mutual friend to help me deal with a chronic condition that was not getting better through my usual methods. His commitment to health and to helping people get better is sincere and passionate. If you REALLY want to get better, don’t hesitate to set up an initial consultation with Dr. Ilya. By the way, I’m a chiropractor. Sometimes we need help just like you!

David Hanning

When I first went to Dr. Ilya I felt like I was pretty healthy for my age (51). I do admit that I had a number of small complaints which I was starting to think were normal. Since going to Dr. Ilya these last few months I have experienced an improvement in my health in a number of areas. I have less pain and inflammation in my back; my energy level is better; and, my digestive system works better. In addition to these improvements, I feel like my over all health and well being have improved. Since I work in the natural health field and I know many natural medicine doctors, I can say with some authority that Dr. Ilya is very knowledgeable and undoubtedly one of the best kinesiology doctors around. Dr. Ilya has many tools and techniques that allow him to do a great job of finding the problem areas and addressing them. Lastly, I appreciate that Dr. Ilya is so thorough that I have only needed to see him once a month.

David Hanning

Portland, Oregon

Amy Rink

Dr. Ilya and his approach to health are what I have been wishing for for years! I never knew there was actually someone in practice who integrates such a variety of modalities and therapies, not only for diagnosis of, but also for treatment of, the whole person.

As a young adult I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. The treatment prescribed for this chronic condition was daily and perpetual thyroid medication. Although, with medication, my blood tests showed “normal”, I still did not feel right. I was tired, clumsy, constantly cold – I mean really and constantly cold! – had poor memory, and suffered bouts of mild depression.

Even with these and other chronic symptoms, I considered myself pretty healthy. I had been an athlete and a runner through my young adulthood. I was still active and felt young. However a 5 year stint on graveyard shift, combined with several other chronic stressors and a work related injury, exacerbated my symptoms and new health issues began to present. These included difficulty sleeping, back and shoulder pain, night sweats, fairly severe menstrual cramps and low appetite for life. Repeated visits to my General Practitioner, Endocrinologist, and Physical Therapists did little to relieve or satisfactorily explain my symptoms.

Recently, while browsing through a Bay Area health magazine, I skimmed past an ad for Triad of Health. I was intrigued by Dr. Ilya primarily for his skills as Master Diagnostician and the holistic approach he championed. Could I really get a true diagnosis as to the state of my body and health? It sounded too good to be true and I more or less forgot about it.

The catalyst to make the call was on yet another night of troubled sleep when I woke up feeling desolate. I’d had enough and decided I would try to still myself and ask for guidance. This was something I hadn’t done seriously for several years. Almost immediately I was “told” to call the Doctor I saw in the health magazine. I called Dr. Ilya the next morning.

I am so happy I made that call! Dr. Ilya booked an appointment for me within days. He performed a comprehensive analysis of my health and explained to me his findings and how he would like to treat me and my health. I didn’t fully understand, but since the message sending me to Dr. Ilya had been so clear, I started the therapies he suggested.

If I didn’t know better, I’d say the results were magical! My night sweats stopped within 2 days. My sleep became more regular and sound within weeks. By the 2ndtreatment my back and shoulder pain were gone and there were days that I woke up happy and ready for the day. I am now well into my third month working with Dr. Ilya and my medication has been cut in half. I have not suffered from cramps while on the therapies, and a nice bonus effect is that I lost 12 pounds in the first month – without sugar cravings!

Like I said, it was almost magical how my chronic symptoms were relieved so quickly. But it’s not magic. It’s a good Doctor who has integrated several modalities into effective therapies that treat the whole person and produce lasting results to correct and prevent imbalances of health.

Thank you Dr. Ilya!

Amy Rink, Petaluma CA

Mark Gordon

When I first met Dr. Ilya I thought that I was extremely healthy and had an excellent diet. After examining me he was able to diagnose that I had a fungal infection, that my liver was toxic from diet choices and medications I was taking, and that my adrenals were stressed. I was exhausted from stress and work, but had come to think of this as normal. At 53 I’d had a heart valve replacement, and the surgeons failed to tell me how lifestyle choices had created the conditions that lead up to this.

Dr. Ilya shared with me that some of the medications I was taking and foods that I enjoyed were creating the conditions for serious future health problems. Rather than treating the symptoms of these conditions, he determined a course of therapy that addressed the root cause of these problems, protecting me from future complications. After my very first treatment, I was able to eliminate the daily medications I had been taking for allergies for more than 20 years. Dr. Ilya put me on a diet to reduce cholesterol and also helped me to no longer need my statin medication that was having a toxic effect on my liver. Keep in mind that I was able to stop using both of these medications in only a couple of visits.

It has been only 6 months and about 11 visits with Dr. Ilya and I have now gotten off a water retention pill, HCG supplement that a doctor had been monitoring me on for weight loss, blood pressure medication, a statin medication, aspirin, a high dose potassium pill, the allergy medication that I mentioned above, and marijuana used to aid in sleep as encouraged by another health care provider. I am completely medication and drug free! I had been using my blood pressure medication for 6 years. I have lost more than 10 pounds. Currently, I am using 4 different nutrients that Dr. Ilya gave me and I feel great. I am sleeping better. My mood has improved. I no longer experience the bouts of depression that I used to, I feel more supported by friends and family, and I am much more in charge of my life. I have a more positive outlook on life than I ever have before.

In the very beginning stages of the process of detoxification that I have gone through, I still had some cravings for the toxic foods that I had been addicted to for so many years. These cravings quickly went away when I carefully followed through on the specific step by step lifestyle changes and referrals to other health care providers that Dr. Ilya prescribed to me. I have been to a colon hydrotherapist, tanning salon, massage therapist, American Indian healer and psychologist all at the advice of Dr. Ilya. Dr. Ilya really believes in working together with his patients and other health care providers as a team. I have learned from some of Dr. Ilya’s other patients that he often refers out to Optometrists and Medical Doctors and dentists as well. The last 6 months have been a huge eye opening learning experience for me that have taught me a tremendous amount about my purpose in life, health, love and finances. I now consider myself to be quite guided whereas less than a year ago I would often find myself feeling somewhat lost.

During the process of detoxification I experienced some intense emotions I had repressed for many years. I had never really realized that I was using foods and pot to self-medicate or “numb” myself so as not to experience these negative emotions.

At first I thought the whole process was crazy. I was in denial about how bad my health really was. Some aspects of treatment were a shock to my way of thinking because many of Dr. Ilya’s methodologies are counter-intuitive and fly in the face of mainstream medicine which manages the symptoms of a disease without addressing what caused the disease to get there in the first place. By becoming aware of how my “STANDARD AMERICAN DIET” (SAD) was eroding my health, I began to take the first steps towards recovery. Because everyone around me was consuming the SAD foods, it was challenging for me to avoid them. I feel better when I avoid these SAD foods, and I think if more people were aware of how their food choices affected their thinking, mood, energy level, sexual performance and other aspects of health, they would need fewer medicines and suffer fewer life-threatening conditions. After all, I am proof of this. My blood pressure is now normal without the medication and we will be doing a follow up lab to look at my cholesterol levels in the up and coming months.

I now have the peace of mind in knowing that I can manage my health issues naturally to prevent potentially devastating conditions from ruining the quality of my life.

Mark Gordon

Marketing Professional

Marin County, CA

Rob Sidon

Dr. Skolnikoff is like the Sherlock Holmes of health investigators. With his extensive bag of tricks, he scours all possible leads to shine a light on the culprits (mostly of our own doing) responsible for stealing away our prize possession–optimum health.

-Rob Sidon

Santa Rosa, CA

Salvatore Cellura

I have been under Dr. Solnikoff’s care for only a few months and I can already feel a difference in my health. I have been able to use my asthma medicine less frequently, my digestive health has greatly improved as has my energy and overall health. I look forward to Dr. Solnikoff’s continuing care, however, I realize that I must be proactive as well. This type of health care is not just about taking some medication and/or supplements and then continuing the status quo. You must be a participant in your journey to health, it is imperative that you actively engage all the aspects of treatment. Your job does not end when you leave the doctor’s office, in fact, that is when the real work begins. However, it will become evident quite rapidly that your health is on the mend, especially if you are vigilant and stalwart in your conviction to be an active participant in your health care.

—Salvatore Cellura

San Francisco, CA

Gary Josephson

I have been struggling to over come mental exhaustion and physical weakness since 14 years old. After years of medical testing and thousands of dollars spent on doctors and subsequent medications I left mainstream American medicine and tried alternative approaches. Acupuncture herbal medicine blood analysis, and naturopathy to name a few. At thirty-five years old I began having extreme neck and shoulder pain and started going to a chiropractor. I went every week for over a year and felt much better as long as I didn’t miss an appointment. It did nothing for my exhaustion. I went to a chiropractor who uses cold lasers in treatment and felt much better as long as I kept going three days a week for treatments. But this time the pain was gone and I wasn’t as physically tired. I began searching for a chiropractor who could address more than just one of my issues at a time and discovered Dr. Ilya Skolnikoff. In the time that I have been seeing Dr. Ilya my range of motion has increased and my physical exhaustion is almost nonexistent. And the pain in my neck and shoulder are gone. I receive treatments once a month on average and am extremely hopeful in solving my remaining concerns. This is the first time in many years that I have new hope and the energy to enjoy it. I definitely recommend Dr. Ilya to anyone who is ready to let go of American medicine and try something that works.

Gary Josephson

Santa Barbara, CA

Stu Zimmerman

Dr. Skolnikoff is a caring, wise and thorough healer. Through his evaluation and physical adjustment processes, Dr. Skolnikoff has literally rebalanced my body and raised my consciousness levels.

Stu Zimmerman
50 years old
Fairfield, CA 94534

Sam Mathews

I had an issue with high cholesterol. My cholesterol was around 240 and statins, which I had taken to control it before, had given me side effects that I did not like. I tried a different approach with Dr. Ilya using supplements and chiropractic adjustments, and I had a 60-point drop in 30 days, which was verified through blood analysis. It has stabilized and continues to be low. That was over a year ago. So, I am really happy not to have to take medication any more for this or anything else.

Sam Mathews
64 years old
Stinson Beach, CA

Marina King

As a new mother of two little girls, I thought my tiredness was normal. Not only that but I suffered from allergies and depression as well. I didn’t want to take synthetic prescription medication; I wanted to feel good again. After the first session with Dr. Skolnikoff, I not only felt better, I changed for the better. His personal care over my well being was professional and friendly. I highly recommend him as your personal guru to health and well-being.”

-Marina King
41 years old
Walnut Creek, CA

Carole Gerughty

I felt miserable before receiving your treatments–the painful aches, lack of energy and sleep were a part of my everyday life for 17 years and are now gone after only 4 appointments with you! The diet change, chiropractic adjustments and nutrients for the last 3 months have made a huge difference in my life. No other doctor has been able to get to the root of my problems and make the aches and pains stop. I look at the dairy, grains and sugar that are not on my diet list and think nothing tastes as good as being pain free! Having plenty of energy feels great. Thank you for all your help!

-Carole Gerughty
47 Years Old
San Rafael, CA

Stephen Rosenblueth

A friend referred me to Dr. Ilya Skolnikoff and at the time had no idea what Applied Kinesiology was all about. Upon some research and some in depth discussion with Dr. Skolnikoff, I decided that it sounded very interesting so I gave it a try. I have to say it was a wonderful and enlightening experience. I was shown a whole new way to look at how my body works and how the foods I put into my body can effect my health and energy levels. During one of my visits, Dr. Skolnikoff asked me if I had any aches or pains anywhere in my body. I mentioned that I’d had a pain in my shoulder blade for over 2 years and had gone to my doctor and tried a number of massage therapists, the doctor said nothing was wrong, and the massage therapists seemed to make it better for about a week or two, but the pain kept coming back. Dr Skolnikoff asked if he could give it a shot. I told him nothing has worked, but he was insistent, so I decided it would not hurt for him to give it a shot. Well, I am ecstatic and happy to say that it’s been over 2 years, and it has all healed permanently! So, thank you so much!!!

Stephen Rosenblueth
39 years old
Piedmont, CA

Ed McManis

When I stay on the health plan that Dr. Ilya gave me, I have more energy and my thinking is clearer. I interact better. My days just go better. That takes practice but it also takes checking in with the doctor and doing more of this and less of that. Dr. Ilya’s approach is not just to focus on one area, but all the different areas because they are all connected. If you are in pain or you want some relief and you want the holistic approach and you want to get healthy and commit to the long run, then Dr. Ilya is your guy.

-Ed McManis
54 years old
Mill Valley, CA

Elliot Atlas

I originally set up an appointment with Dr. Ilya for my digestion issues, though when I came into his office I was having some discomfort around the Kidney area. I wasn’t sure if it was a kidney issue or a back issue. His diagnosis was that I had Kidney Stones. That was not fun to hear. After all, I’ve heard some horrible stories about how painful that can be when passing through the urinary tract. He gave me products to help dissolve the stones and within a week I had no discomfort. Best of all, the stones did not pass through my urinary tract! Yay!!!! Thank you so much Dr. Ilya.

I came to see Dr. Ilya because of digestion issues. I’ve been dealing with this for over 2 years and therefore have been regularly taking Enzymes and Hydrochloric Acid with all of my meals. They’ve helped me a lot. Though recently I have been having trouble with most of my meals. Dr.Ilya tested me and concluded that both the Enzymes and the Hydrochloric Acid were not good for me now. The things that once helped me were now hurting me. Therefore, I stopped taking them with my meals and felt much better. I, now, have more confidence regarding my digestion. Thank you Dr. Ilya!

-Elliot Atlas
San Rafael, CA

Jan Robinson

If doctors have ever told you your symptoms were “all in your head” or “nothing’s wrong”, but you know you don’t feel fine, then go see Doctor Ilya!

Before I met Doctor Ilya, I considered myself “basically healthy,” but there was always something that was bothering me physically. I would get migraine headaches, had achy joints, chronic cystitis, chronic fatigue, foggy thinking, and could never lose extra weight no matter how much I dieted or exercised. I was on anti-depressants for 10 years and thyroid medication for 5 years.

I felt too young to be experiencing constant health troubles like this. But no doctor I ever went to seemed to know what was wrong or could offer any solutions. I thought I was stuck with these symptoms and medications for the rest of my life.

After working with Dr. Ilya for less than three months, all of my symptoms are gone! It’s like I’m a brand new person. I cried when I told my boyfriend I no longer needed to take anti-depressants. It was a miracle to me. Not only was Dr. Ilya able to help me get off anti-depressants forever, I finally feel rested when I wake up in the morning. I have energy to last me through the whole day. I’m mentally alert and have an easy time staying focused. I even dropped 20 pounds without trying. I also feel increased libido – which is an added bonus.

I recommend Dr. Ilya for anyone who is wanting to be free of prescription drugs or is dealing with issues such as headaches, mood issues, lack of energy, chronic body pain and aches or menopausal symptoms. Dr. Ilya is no ordinary doctor. He gets to the root cause of heath problems and treats the cause. He gets quick and powerful results.

-Jan Robinson
40 years old
Berkeley, CA

Hank Levin

I came to Dr. Ilya a couple of months ago on recommendation from my wife. I was already somewhat aligned with his ideas about diet (which he nevertheless modified a bit), and had previously received extensive chiropractic care. However, I was dealing with an issue of intermittent urinary bleeding that had gone on for many months (the allopathic treatment of which would have been drastic and very uncertain). I also had continuous pain at the a base of the spine from an injury sustained in a rafting accident nearly two years ago that made it hard to sit for any length of time for any purpose. I furthermore experienced enough occasional back pain to make life difficult.
In only a couple of visits with Dr. Ilya, the pain I associated with the rafting injury has been virtually eliminated, and I have not had any episodes of back pain. Furthermore, the urinary problem has stopped, for which I am especially grateful!
Thank you, Dr. Ilya, for sharing the benefits of your skill and dedication!
Hank Levin
66 years old
San Rafael, CA

Robert Luster

Dr. Skolnikoff, DC

I am very pleased with the professional services you have rendered to me over the past year and a half. Your insights and skills have aided tremendously in my overall well being. At one point I was planning on having knee surgery. After consultation with you and your untiring efforts, I opted not to go under the knife.

Your approach to healing is sound. I enjoy our encounters and look forward to out next scheduled appointment. I always leave feeling refreshed and focused on a better future. I would not hesitate to recommend you to any person who desires to optimize their health.

Best to you,

Robert Luster
Mill Valley, CA

Michelle Santos

When Dr. Ilya treats you, you will feel like a new person, with a deeper understanding of yourself. You become so much more aware of the choices you make and how they affect your life and the lives you are responsible for. I went in for a pain in my foot and got so much more!

I was referred to Dr. Ilya for my son’s Severe Plaque Psoriasis. After four years of unsuccessful treatments through traditional medicine, Dr. Ilya has made more progress in two months than those previous four years. It is quite incredible. The tools that Dr. Ilya has taught my son will stay with him for the rest of his life, so he can be in control of his psoriasis, not his psoriasis being in control of him.

Dr. Ilya also treated my son for his allergies and asthma. My son had a chronic cough that would not go away. His pediatrician had him on two inhalers, nose spray, eye drops and an allergy pill daily. He felt lethargic, could not think clear or retain any info, was irritable all the time and not doing very well in school. After the first visit, Dr. Ilya got the cough to stop and my son was off all of his medications. My son is medication free and feels great. He feels strong, he can think clear, he is happy and doing so much better in school.

Dr. Ilya has changed our lives forever. Our family is very grateful to all Dr. Ilya has taught us.

-Michelle Santos
39 years old
Honolulu, HI

Helen Drake

One Saturday afternoon at a local farmer’s market, while shopping for organic produce, I stumbled upon Dr. Ilya Skolnikoff. Sometimes the best things come to you when you aren’t looking for them, or, in loftier words, when the student is ready, the teacher will come! Dr. Ilya spoke to me about addressing the roots of imbalances in the body and fixing them at the core, thereby guiding one’s body back to a state of balance. What he said resonated with me and piqued my interest, so I took the leap and scheduled my first appointment. From that day forward, with his skilled guidance and my own determination to follow his recommendations, my health issues have continued to significantly improve.

As a 50-something woman, my body was waving several warning flags at me, and I knew I needed help from someone who could take a holistic view of my symptoms and offer real, lasting, and measureable results. Dr. Ilya’s “triad” approach has been much more effective than any I previously have experienced. Turning to Dr. Ilya as my “health coach” has turned out to be one of the best investments of my life. I feel that he provides me a doable roadmap so that my body can regain functionality to naturally heal itself. I’ve recommended him to my friends as a caring, knowledgeable and dedicated health practitioner, and would do so to anyone seeking a healthier and more vibrant life.

-Helen Drake
56 years old
Larkspur, CA

Scott Whittemore

In mid October, 2010 I first visited Dr. Ilya. I weighed 195 pounds on that visit. He recommended a change in my diet to address several health concerns. Following his recommendations the best I could, I lost 10 pounds by the first week of December even with the Thanksgiving Holiday. By April, 2011 I had lost an additional 12 pounds. As of July, 2011 I have maintained a weight of 173 pounds. What I appreciated about his diet recommendations, while I was limited to type and kind of food I could eat, the diet did not limit the quantity of food I could eat and actually forced me to eat more frequently during the day. I rarely felt any cravings for additional food and did not feel hungry between meals. In addition to benefiting from the weight loss I also have experienced more consistent sleep, better digestion and a better Cholesteral ratio.

All the best,

Scott Whittemore – Mill Valley, CA

Sylvie Patrick

Before I started seeing Dr. Ilya, I suffered from headaches and I had neck pain. He used a holistic approach to treat me including structural, emotional and chemical therapies. After just a couple of treatments with him, I was already starting to feel better. He put me on a diet which helped with my low blood sugar and with the headaches. I was not starving at lunchtime anymore and I had more energy. He suggested that I stop wearing perfume which I did and started using the organic/solvent free beauty products that he recommended. After a few months of treatments, I have almost no headaches and my neck pain is gone. Also, I don’t have any cramps or headaches during my cycle which hasn’t happened in years!

Another great benefit of seeing Dr. Ilya is that I have lost weight! I was able to lose about 10 pounds while on the diet without starving myself. I have been wanting to lose a few pounds but I was never able to stick to any diets, but with his therapies and my new eating habits, the pounds started to come off and I went from a size 6 to a size 2!

Dr. Ilya is very knowledgeable and passionate about health. Before, I used to not think too much about what I was eating or what kind of beauty products I was using, but now I am more aware of what is healthy for me to eat and what types of lotions, shampoos, etc. I should use. He is really dedicated to helping others with their health and really cares about his patients. His practice is more than a career for him, it is his way of life and he will go out of his way to help others with their health.

-Sylvie Patrick

34 years old

San Francisco, CA

Ilene Wolf

For as long as I can remember, I have struggled with sleepless nights. For the first time in my life, I was able to find a doctor that had been able to convey to me how serious this interrupted sleep condition is. Dr. Ilya explained to me how my sleep deprivation is largely due to a hypothyroid condition I have. For the first time in my life, since he has been treating my thyroid, I am able to sleep soundly throughout the night. I feel worlds better now that I am sleeping! Dr. Ilya is determined to get to the bottom of his patient’s health concerns – quickly – until his patients feel dramatically better and their health is greatly improved! This is what Dr. Ilya has done for me, and I trust he can do it for you as well. Dr. Ilya truly cares about his patients. Dr. Ilya has a deep concern for my health, and takes the time to follow up, in a detailed way, so as not to miss anything.
-Ilene Wolf, MFT
Marin County, CA

Charisse Richards

Dear Dr. Ilya Skolnikoff,

Where do I even start? Thank you so very much for everything that you have done for me. I came to you for knee pain, shoulder pain, as well as forearm pain, not to mention needing help in losing weight. You not only helped me lose weight, but my knee, shoulder and forearm pain has subsided. I have lost 15 pounds in the last few months, and I feel the best I have felt in the last ten years. I have abundant energy. I used to come home from a hard day at work and then be so tired. Now, after a hard day at work, I go to the gym and then come home and have more energy than I know what to do with. I would recommend your services to anyone that wishes to improve their life. I believe in you one hundred percent. During my visits to your office, I felt very comfortable. Even though I am relocating to a different state, I will continue to practice what you have taught me.


Charisse Richards
39 years old
Larkspur, CA

Sandra Sears

At the young age of twenty four I had been struggling with my health on several levels, and my condition seemed to be worsening rapidly with time. I had excruciating knee and hip pain to the point that I could not run, and had to limit my yoga practice dramatically. I constantly felt depressed, fatigued, anxious and emotionally drained. I had gained weight, developed allergies to many foods, and suffered from severe kidney and bladder infections. I was perplexed by my poor health because I had been thoughtful and conscientious about my diet and lifestyle choices from a very young age. I had always been perceived as an energetic and creative person, but I no longer recognized these qualities in myself. What was going on? After consulting several doctors through my primary health care provider to no avail, I was ready to give up.I hadn’t had my period for over a year, but all of my hormone lab tests came out within the normal range (albeit low).

Most doctors prescribed birth control pills to help regulate my cycle, but I was determined to get my body back to a balanced state without using oral contraceptives. Fortunately, I found Dr. Ilya at this point in my battle. After the initial consultation and three therapy sessions I can honestly say that I feel like myself again! Dr. Ilya does not treat symptoms independently, but rather examines their structural, chemical, and emotional causes in order to heal them.

My healing process has included Dr. Ilya’s chiropractic therapies, a new diet, and the addition of supplements to my daily regimen. Since the first treatment my body has been rejuvenated and has continued to improve over time. In just one month my knee and hip pain have completely subsided, my digestion is more sound, and my mood and emotions are generally more grounded and positive. I am so grateful for these improvements and will continue to work with Dr. Ilya in the future. I highly recommend his practice to anyone in need — my life has been touched in a powerful way!

Many thanks!

Sandra Sears

Mill Valley, CA

Rachel Williams

Dr. Ilya Skolnikoff has healed my body! And honey that ain’t no easy feat. I came to him after discouraging visits with traditional western medical doctors that shall remain nameless (well at least in this review tee hee;-) Those doctors told me nothing was wrong. They said my weight gain, night sweats, hair falling out, joint pain, jitters, etc.etc. was all normal.

Really? Had I not gone to Dr. Ilya I would be wearing wigs and moo-moos right now looking like a black version of Mrs. Roper from Three’s Company.

His style is completely unconventional and the regimen is not easy to follow. He deals with your emotional health and physical health so get ready to deal with your s^*t!

But a wise woman (thanks Mom!) once told me: “When wealth is lost, something is lost. When health is lost, all is lost!” If you aren’t healthy then you can’t even make money, honey. I saw immediate results in just a few visits (read: 2 months). I have energy beyond my wildest dreams (BF is happy about that!) and lost 15lbs in 2 months. Enough said.

Rachel Williams Oakland, CA

Marie Simmons

Getting Well After a Lifetime of Stress

Before coming to visit Dr. Ilya, I spent 6 months on a western medicine treadmill of ultra sounds, CT scans, labs plus specialists: cardio, endocrinology and pulmonary for symptoms: spiking (as high as 180/99) blood pressure, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, fatigue, numbness in hands and arms, sleeplessness, vibration in arms, etc.with no diagnosis. Blood pressure meds made me dim witted and weak. I felt like I was slogging through molasses. Finally I threw up my hands and said, “Enough”. I quit all the meds. But it took me a couple of months before I heard about Dr. Ilya Skolnikoff, a Chiropractic Kinesiologist.

Not only did I have no idea what kinesology was, I had trouble pronouncing it correctly. I went to visit Dr. Ilya (as his patients call him) out of desperation, but with equal amounts of hope that he would help me and skepticism (I didn’t understand how he would help me). After one visit when my blood pressure had gone down by 30 points the skepticism was gone. Now after 8 weeks I am amazed at the results. I don’t always understand what he is doing, but I trust him completely. I am now recovering from a lifetime of stress.

Dr. Ilya’s treatment procedures for me consist–in part– of an animal protein and green vegetable ONLY diet (My name for it is the NO diet, after all the foods I can’t eat). But it is working. I immediately lost 10 pounds of bloat. The goal is to cut all sugar (carbs both simple and complex) and dairy. This has been an adjustment, since my previous diet was high in grains and beans, with occasional fish and poultry. But I want to get well and the diet is working, so I stick with it. And, I’m certainly not starving. (I’ve never eaten so many eggs and so much animal protein – all organic – in my life!)

Dr. Ilya also prescribes nutritional supplements that he changes as the needs of my body change. When I visit him he administers homeopathic remedies and gives me chiropractic adjustments as well as kinesiology. All make me feel better.

Being treating by Dr. Ilya has been a life altering experience. I still have a way to go, but so far this is how my health and well being have improved:

  • My blood pressure came down 35 points after the first visit.
  • My blood pressure came down a total of over 40 points after the first 2 visits and it stayed this low. It is now within normal range (120/80).
  • The urinary infection that I had was gone after the first treatment as White Blood Cell Esterase was no longer elevated to 105.
  • My cholesterol ratio of total cholesterol to HDL is great at less than 2.5.
  • My liver enzymes have improved tremendously. ALT was at 105 before and now it is at 32 after only one treatment.
  • An Infection is still in my system but is now within the normal range as the difference between the lymphocytes and neutrophils is much less dramatic.
  • I am sleeping soundly through the night for 8 plus hours of rest. (This I love!)

Marie Simmons
Cookbook Author and Food Writer
Richmond, CA

Norma Novy

I am 66 years old, a dancer of sorts, and a person who likes to garden and walk and exercise with my friends. My body was feeling old and cranky around the hips. I was not standing straight and I had the beginnings of a gut. I had to do something and fast.

That’s when I met Dr. Ilya who has treated me for a wide range of things. My hips are better and my movement is easier all over my body. My gut has gone away by following his no carb diet, and I’ve lost about 14 pounds! That’s amazing! I have more energy in the afternoons, the time I used to nod off at the computer. When I visited a friend who hadn’t seen me for a couple of months, he said, “Wow, you look good! You’re thin, you’re glowing and you’re standing straight.”

I expect more good changes in the future.
Thank you Dr. Ilya.


Norma Novy
66 years old
San Rafael, CA

Cynthia T

There are few practitioners that can solve big, complex body issue the way that Dr. Ilya has done for me. Kudos to all the education and consciousness he brings to his patients. He spent 2 hours on intake, another 1.5 hours on my 2nd visit. Drs. never give that kind of time to listen deeply to their patients. Amazing. He is holistic, truly, in his process thinking about your health AND mental, emotional issues. It’s only been a couple of weeks with some drastic food changes and supplements that I am learning to embrace, not to mention a gallon+ of water per day, BUT MY PAIN IS SUBSIDED to the point that it is not there at most times…or minimal. I walked in with over a year of knee pain (knee surgery 2004) and Inflammation, intense hip joint pain every time I went from sitting to standing, low back pain (surgery 2006), scoliosis, depression, numbness and tingling in my hands (that I didn’t tell him about, hair falling out (another thing I forgot to tell him about). How can one person know so much? The story is that he has studied eastern and western medicine to cure himself. Going against the grain, I am sure he is using a wealth of knowledge to support us. I am impressed, as someone who has seen many health care providers since blowing my discs out in 1984 as a competitive athlete; this man is the real deal. By the way, my hair is barely falling out at all and my hands are not as tingly as they were a week ago. I am grateful that someone has taken on such a big task and hope Western medicine begins to embrace his modalities and simple philosophies.

Teresa Blenio

I have seen Dr. Skolnikoff for 5 visits between January 1st 2014 and June 25th 2014. I used to weigh 175 pounds at the beginning of treatment and now I weigh only 160 pounds. I used to have a lot of pain in the region of my kidneys when I first started seeing Dr. Skolnikoff and now that pain is gone. I was very weak before and now I have a lot more energy. I had anemia and was exhausted all of the time due to the anemia. I learned that many of my symptoms such as night sweats and hot flashes and excess belly fat, morning headaches and getting angry all of the time were due to Thyroid dysfunction. I still have headaches, but they come only once a month with my period instead of every morning. I am being completely honest that I was having headaches every single morning and it was terrible. I was very emotional due to the loss of my sister. I was crying all of the time. I cry only very seldom now. Dr. Skolnikoff shared with me specific lifestyle changes that were unique to any other health care provider I had ever met. During just the first visit or two he referred me out to an optometrist to get a new pair of glasses and also suggested that I get fitted for a bra without an underwire. I have done both of these things and it has made all of the difference in improving my health. Because I am a large breasted woman, this really made a big difference for me and was very important. I was able to get a great bra at Lane Bryant.

Sahar M.

Triad of Health is a life saver. There is no way to fully describe this integrative healing method. Dr Ilya Skolnikoff has a miraculous way of seeing into your health obstacles and a complete synergistic system toward restoring you to full health and vitality. Though he offers many deals and discounts to invite individuals in what you learn from your second visit on is that this practitioner is both caring and a great long term companion to optimizing your health. He is far better and more adept than most primary health doctors in determining a course to establish healing. Many ailments that are root causes to disease and discomfort which are easy to miss are narrowed in on by Dr. Ilya. I not only recommend him to any who come across him. I have in fact brought both my children, my partner, my mother, siblings, friends and even exes in to Triad of Health to be delivered from their litany of discomforts and diseases. I was struggling to get my period back after a period of intense trauma. One day after my first healing session it returned! After trying a million methods my mom lost 25 pounds in 2 months of unusual and unwanted weight that she had accumulated over the last decade. I am relieved to know my family and my friends are in good hands and secured in a healthy future thanks to Dr. Ilya.

Adey B

Dr. Ilya has a depth and sensitivity to him that is very rare, especially in a health care provider. I was very sick, and after our first session I knew I was on a path to the real healing I’d been looking for my whole life. His technical expertise paired with his knowledge of the body made me feel completely taken care of. Even though my healing process has been far from “easy,” his support along the way has been a beacon of light. I’m grateful beyond words for his help.

If you’re ready to get to the bottom of your health issues FAST, and heal them for good, this is the place to go.

– Adey B

Richmond, CA

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