Click below number to get more videos < Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next > Christine Martinez The Skolnikoff Method Transforms Christine’s Life in 2 Treatments: Decreased Anxiety Less StressDecreased AnxietyImproved SleepBreast Pain GoneHip Pain GoneAnkle Joint Pain GoneOther Joint Pain Gone Simon G Simon G has rejuvenated his health in just 6 months: No desire for pot after 30 years of useTinnitus (ringing in ears) goneMemory improvedMore positive outlook on lifeChronic 10 year old shoulder pain almost completely goneBetter dietFeeling better than he has in more than 30 years with symptoms that were there since childhood going away Parvaneh Riggs Parvaneh Returns for More Skolnikoff Method Care After 3 Years to: Improve and maintain a healthy dietRejuvenate her ThyroidGet Menopause SupportGet Perimenopause SupportGet Rid of Hot Flashes ForeverIncrease Energy Helen Part 1 Helen Part 2 Sean Helen is seeing dramatic results for: Thyroid, Digestion/Eating Pains, Hot Flashes, Hormone Imbalance Sean is seeing dramatic results for: Chronic Pain, Low Energy Ivette Ivette received help with: Preventing surgeryNerve painMoodinessDepressionReliance on pain or antidepressant medicationDietary changesPoor sleep Graciela G. The Skolnikoff Method gives Graciela a new life and she has experienced: Lost 12 pounds after only 3 visits and is only 4’11”Help with hypothyroidismIncreased energyImproved concentrationEliminated sugar cravingsNo moodinessShe no longer feels like crying Jackie S. The Skolnikoff Method Quickly Transforms Jackie’s Life for the Better: After only 2 treatments she no longer needed sleeping pills or cannabis for sleepShe has also been able to stop drinking coffee every morning after 40 years Terri Fuchs 1 Terri Fuchs 2 Terri Fuchs’ Skolnikoff Method Results Off more than half of her medication in 6 treatmentsThumb pain gone after many years of pain and discomfortHappy patient referring other patientsSciatica gone in 1 visit Laura Infante With Only 1/2 of her Thyroid, Laura is Feeling Great After Only 2 Treatments: Itchy thyroid is now normalDepression goneFatigue goneJoint pain goneKnee pain gone and flexibility has returnedHeadaches goneShe has experienced 10 pounds of weight loss Rafael Casanova In Just 4 Treatment Visits, Rafael Has Experienced: 25 pounds of weight lossSupercharged boost of energyImproved libidoIncreased staminaBetter moodHelped with daughter’s asthma < Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next >