Shakti Padmini

I’ve been always skeptical about ‘regular’ doctors (past negative experience), so finding ‘alternative’ Dr Ilya Skolnikoff was very refreshing! I came with a (debilitating) health complaint that I’d been trying to resolve this way and that for many years and almost given up on it (while living a VERY healthy lifestyle) knowing the disease had underlying emotional cause that needed to be seen from another’s perspective…I was surprised and excited noticing shifts in the way I felt right during the first visit! A more changes (some profound, some gradual) followed in the days and weeks after…the diet that initially sounded ‘weird’ has proven to be craved by my body, making me feel light and energetic, with clarity and calmess in my mind…most of my symptoms disappeared (including terrible PMS). I’ve been noticing positive changes in other areas of my life, such as relationships, finances, expansion of my spiritual self that reflects in expansion and evolution of my work – a passionate service to humanity.
I absolutely loved that his practice also included so much needed emotional processing along with muscle testing (working with the response of your own body, not a prescribed theory) and chiropractic adjustments – I’ve been feeling held from all sides…

My experience must be beyond subjective because friends and people who know me commenting on how good I look and feel, asking me what secrets I’ve been using…

Dr Ilya is a practitioner of a much needed new generation medicine, that is there to allow the individual (not just a body!) to heal naturally, restoring the kind of balance from which a new evolution can take place! All thumbs up!

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