Doctor in San Rafael

San Rafael Chiropractor and Thyroid Expert Explains how to Treat Parasites

In order to effectively diagnose and treat a parasite there are a number of things needed.  The first thing discussed in this video that is needed to diagnose and treat parasites is to get the static out of the nervous system.  There are a number of ways that this can be done.  For example, there may be an energetic / chemical imbalance that can be improved upon with homeopathy; or there may be bones that are out of alignment that are interfering with nerves and those nerves would need to be re-aligned; or there may be an emotional imbalance that needs to be addressed.

IBS, RA, Depression, Panic Attacks, Obesity, Brain Disorders, Infertility, Fatigue, Anemia, Insomnia

Recently after talking to a few new and old patients as well as hearing about some things that are becoming popular in the media, it has come to my attention that very few people know what the scope of my practice is and what types of conditions we treat in our office. Our office has always taken pride in considering ourselves to be relatively good at marketing our services but this realization that our ideal patients do not know what we actually do has been a big wake up call for our office.

marin county sugar blues and depression relief

San Rafael Sugar Blues and Depression Relief

The big problem with America is TOO MUCH SUGAR. It is the SWEET DECEPTION of things that taste great. Later in the year (2015) I will be doing a lecture about the BITTER SWEET TRUTH OF SUGAR AND FRUIT and its sweet deception. On the T.V. and the radio and internet and magazines we are constantly being told that fruit is great for you and that you should have your 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day…… but is this really true? Or, is it just some marketing gimmick that sounds great and allows the American Heart Association to convince everyone that they will be fine and never get heart disease. Well, I can share with you this much: the approach ain’t working. Heart disease is the number one leading cause of death in the United States and has been the leading cause of death for a few years now. If you live in the United States, your chances of getting heart disease are 1 in 2. That is a 50% chance. SUGAR CAUSES HEART DISEASE IN ALL FORMS. This is a documented fact and not my opinion. Sugar causes homocysteine levels to rise. Homocysteine leads to heart disease. Sugar also causes AGEs (Advanced Glycation End products) to go up and this leads to inflammation (increased c-Reactive Protein) and this then leads to heart disease. This is what happens. These chemicals as well as nuts and seeds and excessive spicy foods irritate the small intestine and the small intestine villi and microvilli and then lead to inflammation that negatively affects the heart and other parts of the body. This is new news for Western Medicine but in Traditional Chinese Medicine it has been known about for 100,000 years!!

San Rafael Chiropractor Dr. Ilya Skolnikoff Posts Interesting Facts About Sugar and Cancer from Scientific American

I thought you might like this article about Sugar and Cancer from the Scientific American. Please realize that this article is NOT saying that sugar will get rid of cancer NOR is it saying that sugar causes cancer. The subject matter here is of another nature. What the article is emphatically saying is that there are certain specific sugars that dramatically effect cancers and their expression and spread.

Do You Suffer from Nerve Pain?

If you have nerve pain then you are not alone. In 2010, it was determined that about 13% of Americans suffer from neuropathic pain and 22% of people worldwide suffer from neuropathic pain. Neuropathic pain is defined as pain caused by damage or disease to the body’s sensory (somatosensory) nervous system. It is often associated with dysesthesia or pain from normally non-painful stimuli (allodynia). For example, somebody shaking your hand is not supposed to cause unbearable pain or pain that radiates down the arm and into the shoulder, but if it does then it is termed “dysesthesia”. This may also be described more simply as nerve damage.

Healthy Skin

Have you been wanting to know what are the healthiest and safest skin care products to use and what are not? Well, now you can find out about this in no uncertain terms. I hope that this list proves helpful to you. Remember that personal care products are individualized so what may be ideal for one person may not be the perfect thing for someone else. One person may have an allergy or sensitivity to certain ingredients while those same ingredients do not cause any reaction in someone else.

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