
The Shocking Truth About Gluten That Has Been Kept a Secret From You

The shocking truth about gluten that has been kept a secret from you may also be keeping you sick. Or, rather, I should say, — the misinformation campaigns about gluten have misled you in such a way that may not necessarily be in your best interest. Much of the information here comes from Mary Frost’s …

The Shocking Truth About Gluten That Has Been Kept a Secret From You Read More »

cholesterol facts book

Functional Medicine and the Benefits of Red Wine Polyphenols and Protein

In these videos below from our recent trip to Argentina, you can learn more about the benefits of red meat and also red wine polyphenols. Both things are red. Vegetarianism has become quite popular and trendy in recent years, but the truth about vegetarianism is that it may not be nearly as safe as once …

Functional Medicine and the Benefits of Red Wine Polyphenols and Protein Read More »

San Rafael Chiropractor and Thyroid Expert Explains how to Treat Parasites

In order to effectively diagnose and treat a parasite there are a number of things needed. The first thing discussed in this video that is needed to diagnose and treat parasites is to get the static out of the nervous system. There are a number of ways that this can be done. For example, there may be an energetic / chemical imbalance that can be improved upon with homeopathy; or there may be bones that are out of alignment that are interfering with nerves and those nerves would need to be re-aligned; or there may be an emotional imbalance that needs to be addressed.

San Rafael Chiropractor and Thyroid Expert Explains how to Treat Parasites

In order to effectively diagnose and treat a parasite there are a number of things needed.  The first thing discussed in this video that is needed to diagnose and treat parasites is to get the static out of the nervous system.  There are a number of ways that this can be done.  For example, there may be an energetic / chemical imbalance that can be improved upon with homeopathy; or there may be bones that are out of alignment that are interfering with nerves and those nerves would need to be re-aligned; or there may be an emotional imbalance that needs to be addressed.


Where is the Fish?

Speaking Spanglish, I said to the lady behind the counter at Taqueria San Jose, “I want the steak fajitas, por favor. No crema, no queso, no frijoles, no arroz, no corn. Solamente carne asada, aguacate, salsa, lettuce y cebollas. Gracias.” I wanted beef fajitas with onions, lettuce, tomatoes, bell peppers, salsa, avocado and cilantro, with no sour cream, no cheese, no beans or rice or corn. That was it. She looked at me like I was crazy and said, “No beans? No rice? No sour cream? No cheese?

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