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7. What are the benefits of Dr. Ilya’s holistic therapies?


The benefits of Dr. Ilya’s holistic therapies are infinite. Please visit the testimonials page and learn about all of the different benefits that patients have received from Dr. Ilya’s therapies.

Homeopathy, herbs, nutrition, acupuncture, chiropractic, psychotherapy and other emotional therapies, ancient healing modalities, naturopathy, and color and sound therapy have been used for countless ages. There are thousands and thousands of studies and case studies of people who have had life-changing benefits from these types of therapies. Dr. Ilya’s favorite healers of all time are John of God, Royal Rife, and Hocksey of Texas. These are some of the great visionaries of our modern time who PROVED that cancer should not worry people or be a concern. They revolutionized health care and laid a foundation for future great thinkers.

Dr. Ilya’s therapies are designed to raise people’s consciousness. As a result of these therapies, people live longer, get sick less often, have more energy, better relationships, improved energy and stamina, and better sex lives. People who are overweight lose weight. People who are underweight gain weight. People’s health improves when they receive Dr. Ilya’s therapies. People get more out of life when they are healthier, happier, and have more energy. Dr. Ilya has often been heard to say that he helps most people with most health challenges most of the time and mostly quickly.


Never forget to love……all things and all people……and never forget to appreciate and be thankful for what you have…..and you will always have love….and you will always have enough.


“Andropause” is what doctors and physiologists call male menopause. Menopause and menopausal symptoms are not just experiences that women have; men have them also. For men, the symptoms of Andropause are quite different than the symptoms of Menopause.


This was Written a Year ago by Dr. Ilya and Presented at two Separate Triad Of Health 2 Hour Introductions.

The medical industry is so lost that they actually prescribe medication for nutritional deficiencies and they are so confused that they have convinced themselves that people suffer from drug deficiencies rather than nutritional deficiencies. Is anyone in the audience deficient of aspirin? Is anyone here deficient in prozac? Is anyone here deficient in Thyroid medication or Thyroid hormone?


This post was sent out as a newsletter, the first to be sent out in the last 5 months.

I don’t know where the time has gone. Plus, I broke my promise. I had promised in the last newsletter to do a newsletter twice a month and it never happened. There have been a lot of changes at the Triad Of Health Family Wellness Clinic. Things look the same but they are completely different. There is a new copy machine, some new plants, new restrooms and new roof.


This is Dr. Maffetone talking in his own words:“This has been my primary teaching point from the first day in private practice almost 35 years ago until the present, and it’s what I personally practice everyday. Essentially, it means each person being responsible for his or her health and fitness. Only by doing that can optimal wellness, graceful aging and true illness and disease prevention be achieved.

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